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It's been raining crazily since the last 24 hours.

Bilal threw his bag in annoyance in his new room. He had to walk barefoot in the rain, not that he hated walking but his bag broke and everything came spilling out.

"This is all Sabas fault, I should have taken my bag not hers!!"

He didn't notice that Ahad stood by the door.

"How come it's her fault?"

Bilal panicked, stood up straight and saluted.

When he came back to his senses, he realised it was ahad.


"Hey! I'm your senior. Don't call me bhai here."

"Sorry I just got excited. Mina didn't tell me you got posted here too."

"You talked to her?"

"I uh, she is my doctor.... I had to get checked up so we met at the hospital" that day replied in his head, the way he confessed and she told him that she likes him too. He tried so hard not to smile in front of ahad.

Ahad knew what was happening between the two, he mentally noted to ask Mina about this later.

"You should rest up, we'll be leaving for meeting in 2 hours."

"Bhai, wait. I mean Sir, where are you staying?!"

"Top floor, room 401." Ahad smiled one last time and left.

Bilal had never being deployed away from his family for a such a long time before.

It was hard to leave everything behind but his passion and love for the county made him stronger and wiser every day.

Also when he saw his fellow soldiers, being with them and seeing them away from their loved ones, this made him feel their pain and vice versa.

This guy comes running into the room, without knocking.

He sees me and for a few seconds he's motionless, he just stares at me.

He saluted and rants, "My name is Mikaal, I'm from Chitral
and I'll be your roommate, Sir."

Bilal stood up and saluted in return, "my name is Bilal and I'm from Islamabad. I hope we have a nice time together as roommates and please don't call me
Sir, we have the same rank."

"Okay nice, I'll go change up." He said and left.

Bilal fell onto his bed, he thought the guy looked decent enough to be his friend.

Maybe he won't have such a hard time here after all.

Oh boy, he was so wrong. All the soldiers were called up, they were divided into teams and told to start their mission for the night.

The rain had stopped but the the breeze was really cold. Bilal looked on his right to see Ahad and Mikaal with him.

Not knowing what else to do, he smiled at them and hoped the day would end soon.

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