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Ali was furious at us that night. He strolled in the bedroom like a father who was furious at his son who beat up his fellow classmates.

"I thought an intruder came in but no you guys were goofing around." He shook his head in disappointed.

And the two younger siblings rushed towards Ali and hugged him.

"Bhai we're sorry." Omer pouted and blinked his eyes.

"Me too", Mina chirped in.

"Eew get your gross hair out of my face."

"Eww get your gross face out of my face."

"Hopeless cases." Ali mumbled as he pushed his siblings away from him. And straightened out his shirt.

"Bhai!!" They yelled in sync.

Ali raised his hands in defeat, he held Minas hand and they walked towards the balcony together.

"Let's go have something to eat." Omer pocked Minas stomach. To which she slapped him at the back of his head, "But it's 4ish am"

"Let's go to murre!!"

"No let's go the resort in muree!"

"No let's just sleep", Mina closed her eyes as she rubbed her eyes.

The two boys looked at her as if he's had a extra pair of head, then they looked at each other raising their eyebrows and fist bumped each other.

"She's crazy"

"I know but let's go!" There was something about that day,Omer didn't want it to end.

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