XIV: Right here

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The continuous ring of the doorbell echoes through the walls of my apartment. Just lying straight in my couch with hands crossed helps me run my train of thoughts. I start to feel a bit angry, and sad, while staring at the ceiling that slowly prisons my mind to think negative things.

Then, my phone rings. A call. 'Should I pick it up?' I stared at my phone which is on top of the coffee table. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. The ringing stop. Even the sound of the doorbell stopped. 'Guess he got tired, huh?' I said in my mind.

I went back to stare the ceiling. I don't know how long I have been zoning out. The thoughts in my head keeps me away from my conscious state. Thinking about the words my dad said to Dan makes my blood boil. And, knowing that Dan talked to Dad after I walked out makes me anxious; scared in all possible ways. Knowing my father, he always get what he wants. He's a manipulative man that can change a persons' decisions in line with his desires. That's how he controlled me before. I don't want to be chained in his cruel and selfish plans anymore that will only be use for his amusement.

My grave fear is that Dan bit the bait that my father had set. 'What if Dan changed his mind?' Maybe that is why he chased me after I walked out and followed the cab I rode to my apartment... to tell me that we need to stop what we already started. With just that thought, my heart ached. It hurts like a sword pierced through my heart.

The doorbell rang again. This time, I feel that it isn't Dan. Unlike before, the doorbell rings once, and then after two seconds, it repeats. Must be the mail or a visitor.

The moment I opened the door. I couldn't move an inch. Those eyes that glimmer even though pain is visible. I know whom those belong to. The man that I fell in love with; the half of my soul is standing in front of me.


"Mina. I was worried." He suddenly hugged me. An embrace that melted my heart to the verge of tears. My arms find its way to encircle Dan's body. This made me even weaker. To hug him back and to feel Dan's touch makes me paranoid — paranoid to the point that he may leave me any time. But, hearing him that he was worried about me brought gladness to my troubled heart. My weak being pushes me to broke in tears for Dan to see.

"Mina? Why are you crying?" He asked.

"Are you... going to le-leave me?" My sobs are uncontrollable by this time.

"What? No. I'm not gonna leave you. Who told you that?" He wiped my tears away and caress my hair.

"I just... I just thought so. Dad... talked to you. I know he threatened you to stay away from me. Aren't you—" My tears can't seem to stop and prevents me to talk properly.

"Aren't I 'what'?"

"Aren't you afraid?" I look into his eyes.

He leaned in and let his forehead touch mine. He look deeply into my eyes, and said, "Sweetie, I'm right here. I won't leave you."

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