After Prom

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Allie POV:
The sun slowly peaks through the partially drawn curtains as I start to wake up in a bedroom that is not my own but is familiar. I am confused as I wake up with my head resting on the chest of none other than a shirtless Harry Bingham. His arms are wrapped around me and I can't really move from his strong but gentle grip and honestly, I don't think I want to. I feel surprisingly safe and almost at home in his arms and even though I have no idea how we ended up here.... I'm kinda glad we did.

I try to fall back asleep but my mind is all over the place trying to figure out how I ended up in Harry's bed. All of a sudden, I start to feel Harry move a little and see his eyes slowly open. He looks down at me in his arms and a smile emerges on his face, but then the confusion sets in. Now that we're both up hopefully we can figure out what happened.

".... what happened?" Allie asks softly.

"I don't know.... the last thing I remember is us at the bar at prom getting drinks and the rest is kind of a blur" Harry replies.

"I kinda remember dancing together" Allie says.

Harry nods showing that he did actually remember that and smiles really big thinking about it.

"Oh yeah.... I asked you to dance and to my surprise you actually said yes" Harry laughs and kind of wraps his arms tighter around me and pulls me closer, resting his head on mine. This is new to me. Harry is actually being soft and cute and not a complete dick. I'm just confused now though. Does he actually like me and wanna date now? Of course he does we've only been flirting non-stop for the past few months. I guess us sleeping together again was bound to happen at some time. The alcohol and the prom just sped up the process.

The guard barges through the door out of nowhere and we both jerk up and I quickly cover myself with the blanket because I am only in my bra and underwear and I don't need the guard getting a show.

"What the hell?! Why are you just barging in my room?!" Harry yells at the guard who is standing in the doorway.

"We needed to find Allie to get this week's job assignments and she wasn't in her house and considering the way you guys were with each other last night at prom.... we figured we would find her here" Clark replies. Harry and I look at each other and then back at Clark.

"What do you mean the way we were with each other last night.....?" I question. Clark starts laughing and begins to answer my question.

"After you guys danced together, you couldn't keep your hands off of each other and you guys made out for like the whole night until you finally left together but you both were probably too drunk to remember anything" Clark explains.

I look over at Harry and see him smirking as we both start to remember what had happened the night before.

"Anyways.... job assignments?" Luke steps in.

"Yeah you need to go and brief everyone on what's going on now that it is a new week and everyone needs new jobs" Clark states.

I see Harry start to look upset which I'm guessing is because I have to leave him for the day to take care of the town. But, I don't want to leave him right now.... I want to figure out whatever me and Harry are right now and if there are feelings there between us, I want to see where this could go. At least I know I have had feelings for Harry since that night we played fugitive together and I'm pretty sure he feels the same way. Also, I kinda love just being in bed with him. Being in his arms is a very new feeling but it's an amazing one that I want to last forever.

"Guys.... sorry but I think I'm gonna stay here until later," I see Harry's smile made a reappearance the second I said I was staying, "just tell everyone there will be a meeting later on tonight and I will give the new job assignments then"

"Okay. Will do. Later lovebirds" Clark jokes as him and the rest of the guard leave the bedroom.

It is just me and Harry alone again and there is kind of an awkward silence with the both of us just smiling at each other until Harry breaks it.

"...... so you decided to stay here with me" Harry says grinning.

"Don't get all cocky now.... the alternative was me doing work and that's not very appealing right now....." I start to trail off, "..... but yes I decided to stay here with you" I shoot him a quick flirty smile.

"Can we figure us out.... if there even is an "us" to figure out?" Harry blurts out.

"That is exactly what I wanted to do.... but first I wanna put clothes on" I look around to find clothes but quickly realize all I have here is my prom dress which I really don't want to wear right now.

"Just wear one of my t-shirts" Harry gets up and goes to his dresser to pull out an oversized shirt that will definitely be a dress on me. I put it on and I was right it literally goes down to my mid thigh. I notice Harry biting his lip looking at me and I blush.

"You look hot in my clothes"

"Thank you I guess" I blush and move some hair out of my face behind my ear.

We both sit back on the bed and start talking.

"Okay so.... we got drunk, danced and made out all night and then had sex again last night and woke up together" I start, "what does this mean for us"

"Well, considering the constant flirting between us I guess getting drunk last night was just what we needed to cut the tension and finally get together" Harry says, "I mean for me at least, I like you...... a lot..... like A LOT and I've been wanting to do what we did last night for a long time.....even before this whole parallel universe thing. I wanna wake up with you everyday and just be with you"

"I like you a lot too and waking up in your arms this morning kind of helped me realize that I feel safe with you and I wanna be with you too"

Harry snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him so that my head is comfortably on his chest and our legs are intertwined. He looked down at me and tilted my head up to meet his eyes, he cupped my face in his hands and he kissed me. I cant even begin to explain how good that felt. When our lips part, my head goes back into his chest and he kisses the top of my head.

"Don't leave soon" Harry pleas.

"Don't worry I won't, new ham can wait I just wanna be here with you right now" I reply and Harry kisses me again.

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