First Date

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"Wake up, babe" Harry whispers to me.

I slowly open my eyes and see him right there next to me. It's perfect. Waking up next to Harry is my favorite thing in the world. Well.... in this parallel universe world that is.

"I'm up" I reply.

"You have to go out for the day because I have to set up a surprise for you here later tonight" Harry says to me followed by him giving me a quick kiss on my lips which he does every morning and then getting out of bed.

"Surprise.....?" I ask, confused.

"Don't ask questions just come back here at 7 pm"

I get out of bed and get dressed and ready for the day before I leave our bedroom and let Harry get to whatever it is he has planned.

"Harry I'm leaving now" I call for him.

Harry walks back into the bedroom from the bathroom and walks over to me. He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head. I love seeing Harry like this. He is so gentle and affectionate as opposed to how he used to be before we started dating. He has grown so much as a person in the past few months and I am just so happy that I get to be by his side always.

"Okay, I'll see you at 7. I love you so much baby" Harry sweetly says as he kisses me goodbye for the day. I love more than anything when he calls me "babe" or "baby" my heart flutters. I love him so much.

I leave for the day and go over to Kelly's house to hang out with her because I have no other ideas of what to do for the day. I usually spend all my days with Harry. This is actually going to be so weird being without him for this long. I already miss him.


7 p.m.

"Yes!! It's finally 7. I can go back to mine and Harry's house for his surprise!!!!!" I tell Kelly, "I'm honestly shocked I made it this long without him"

"You barely did.... you literally didn't stop talking about how much you miss him all day. But it's so cute I'm glad you guys make each other so happy" Kelly responds.

I hug her before I leave and practically run out the door back home to see what Harry's  surprise is. I genuinely have no idea what it could be. I open the door and am absolutely shocked by what was on the other side of it.

String lights line pretty much the whole house and the kitchen table is covered in a red silk tablecloth topped with candles and a meal for two. Soft romantic music is playing from the speakers on the counter and Harry is standing right in front of me now wearing a tux and with a whole bouquet of red roses in his hand, which are my favorite flowers.

My mouth drops.

"You.... you did all this for... me?"

Harry comes over to me and wraps me in a warm embrace.

"Of course.... I realized we have been dating for over 4 months now and I never gave you a first "real" date because we never really had time with all the craziness of new ham but you deserve that kind of romance no matter if we're stuck here in this parallel universe or not," Harry starts, "So I went all over town to every store I could think of that would have had string lights, candles, speakers, the silk tablecloth and of course this.... which took me forever to find but I finally found the perfect one for you"

Tears start forming in my eyes as I watch Harry pull out a red dress from a bag for me to wear.

"Harry I...."

"You don't have to say anything, just put the dress on and let's do this date right"

I go to the bedroom to change into the dress and when I put it on I feel like it's prom all over again. I feel so beautiful. I walk back downstairs and Harry watches me as I walk down. His eyes widen and he bites his bottom lip causing me to blush.

"You look..... wow" Harry says as he reaches his hand out for me.

He grabs my hand and leads me to the table where the meal he cooked awaits.

"I cant believe you did all this for me," I say, "come here." I pull him into the tightest hug and he cups my face and passionately kisses me which very quickly turns into a heated make out.

"I love you so much" I say after our lips part.

"I love you more Allie" Harry says before he reconnects our lips. His hands move up and down my body and I secure my hands around his neck. He starts leaving hot kisses down my neck and chest. Nothing feels better than this.

He moves his lips from my chest to my neck and back to my lips again. When our lips part, our foreheads connect and I'm staring into his beautiful brown eyes. Harry takes my hand in his and walks me back over to the table to eat.

"Here you go," He says as he pulls the chair out for me and gestures for me to sit down. He goes to the opposite side of the table and is sitting across from me.

This date is everything I could've hoped for and more. We spent the whole time just talking about everything. These are my favorite times with Harry.... when we get to talk about anything. I love learning more about him and I just fall more in love with him with every conversation.

"Harry...." I interrupted him mid-conversation because I just had to say this, "thank you for all this and just everything you do for me in general. You make me so happy and I don't know what I would do without you. I love you. I can't say that enough"

Harry looks at me with the biggest smile on his face and gets up from his seat to walk over to me. I stand up and before I knew it we were back to where we were before dinner.... kissing.... a lot.

"I love you so much more. You deserve it all, Allie," Harry says to me.

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