Kiyomi Kirishima

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Basic Information

Full Name~ Kiyomi Kirishima

Nickname(s)~ Ki, Ki-san, Ki-chan, Shima

Gender/Pronouns~ Female She/her

Age/Zodiac/Birthday~ 17/Scorpio/November 4, 2004

Teacher, Pro, Follower, Student? Student

Sexual Orientation~ Pansexual

Occupation~ Student

Nationality~ Japanese

School~ U.A. High

Year~ 1st year

Class~ 1-A

Personality Information

Description~ Kiyomi is an eccentric and intelligent person. She’s pretty caring and funny. However, unlike her older brother, Kiyomi is quiet and slightly self-conscious. When angry or in battle, she can become intense and intimidating. Once she breaks out of her shell, she’s really out-going.

Best Subject in School~ Modern Hero Art History

Worse Subject in School~ Mathematics

What Type of Learner Are They? Visual

Quirk Information

Name of Quirk~ Stone Touch

Description~ Emitter

Anything Kiyomi touches with her index and middle finger gets turned to stone.
If an object is turned into stone, the time it takes to revert back to its original form depends on the duration of the physical contact.

If an object is broken or damaged in the ‘stone’ state, they will remain broken after they revert back to its original form.

Drawback(s)~ Every time she uses her quirk, a small portion of her skin turns into stone. The only way to turn the skin that has turned into stone back to its original state would be shattering the stone, which causes intense pain.
She has to make physical contact with specific fingers to activate the quirk.
She cannot reverse the effects of her quirk by herself.

Special Ability/Attack~ Stoneteller

She can turn the ground into stone, making anyone who has contact with the ground turn into stone.

he cannot use her quirk 1 hour after use.

Other~ Her hands grow stone cold when using the quirk

When the quirk is activated, it lowers her core temperature by 37.4°-39.2°F

Hero/Villain Information

Hero/Villain~ Hero

Hero/Villain Name~ Terra, the stone hero

Appearance Information

Clothing~ Kiyomi wears a blue tank top with a black leather jacket, black ripped skinny jeans, a star choker and blue converse. She wears a charm bracelet that has an Earth and her hero name on it that instantly puts her hero suit on her when she taps the Earth charm.

Height~ 5’6

Scars~ Has a scar over her right eye

Distinguished Feature(s)~ Her right eye is black with gold swirls in it due to her foster mom

Relationship Information

Parents~ Unknown foster mom and dad

Sibling(s)~ Eijiro Kirishima (older brother)

Friends~ Hagakure, Tsu, Jiro, Tokoyami, Bakugo, Kirishima, Todoroki, Deku, Kaminari, Mina, Sero, Shinso

Love Interest~ Open, If I have to pick then Sero

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