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That part, despite not being a chapter wiht story is pretty important due to rules posted here and your bio...

Okay, rules that are in the book are following :

1. Monster girls' weapons ( at least the few that use it ) do not cause physical damage. They only damage spirit energy, making enemy weaker.

2. Enchanted human weapons deal damage to demonic energy, not doing any physical damage to monster girls. Just like monster girls' weapons.

3. Humans can be damage by both demonic weapon and enchanted human weapon, the same rules apply to monster girls.

4. People from Order ( Fanatical group of people who hate monster girls and all of their sympatheziers ) use normal weapons to actually kill someone instead of just incapacitating them.

5. Both Order and Demon Lord's army have an open war.

6. Most people who don't like monster girls ( even Order ) accept a few kinds of them. Such as Kobolds or Danuki.

7. People who don't like monster girls ( rarely Order ) don't get in the way of Eros' priestesses and followers.

8. Both humans ( even those anti-monsters ) and monster girls pray to Eros for happy love life or to find their destined one.

9. Eros have knights who fight in her name. They're equipped with enchanted weapons and keep guard around temples and priestesses. 

10. These knights keep peace in settlements and protect humans who are being treated cruelly by monster girls but they also protect monster girls from humans.

11. Knights go along with priestesses to protect them while they're spreading the word of Eros and help unite destined people.

12. People who served Eros with full devotion may be rewarded by the goddess in form of finding a perfect love for eternity or having one of her angels - Houri - to be their wife. The bigger the devotion and life following her teachings the number of Houris may increase.

13. Eros' knights are not just humans anymore. They gain 'Hero' status but instead of going out to fight Demon Lord they're simply protecting people, monsters and bring love.

14. Knight's children may be also born with 'Hero' status that also breaks the rule of only female offspring from monster girls.

15. 'Hero's spirit energy is way more than any normal human. Female 'Hero' who will be affected by demon energy and become monster will be very powerful. Male 'Hero' will be capable of producing stronger offspring for monster girls or even mutated ( very powerful ) variants.

16. Monster girls will sometimes raid human villages in order to get husbands, monsterize women or destroy Order outpost.

Reader's Bio

Your armor :

( Add a cape on the back with the Eros' symbol - that is the cover symbol for this book )

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( Add a cape on the back with the Eros' symbol - that is the cover symbol for this book )

Backstory :

 Young (Y/N) was growing up in a family with mixed points of view. His father was an anti-monster fanatic while his mother was a kind a gentle woman who was also a follower of Eros and belive that all deserve the right to love. (Y/N) grew up with sister and brother. All looking up to their parents to follow their belief.

 (Y/N) and his sister who spend almost all of their time with their mother became followers of Eros just like her. His sister was more than happy to learn about Goddess of Love. (Y/N) saw knights as more amazing but when he heard that Eros also have knights that also have amazing adventures and fight for the betterment of all around them he didn't think twice and joined not only as follower but also for the knight training. The siblings were supporting each other on their carriers to serve Eros.

 Their older brother, however, was filled with their father's hatred and quickly started to look down upon (Y/N) and his sister. He was cursing out monster girls and quickly was recruited by Order which got his father proud of him. Their father was against his children going to socialise with monster girls and quickly stopped caring about (Y/N) and his youngest daughter.

 Their mother never stopped loving them. Both the father and older son and the two younger children were under her care the whole time. After many years of training and education both (Y/N) and his sister serve Eros. (Y/N) as a knight while his sister as a priestess. Their mother was proud of them and on the day their way officially appointed their roles she came to them while bawling her eyes out about how proud she is of her children.

 On their way to the nearest temple in which they'd serve she told that she'll pray for them to Eros and gave them a few hints about love. She also told them to 'practice what they preach' before going back home with happy step as her children were going to better this world... Well, at least two of them.

 Now 21 years old (Y/N) is being sent on his first mission along with his 18 years old sister to bring the word of Eros and connected the nearby couples. No matter human or monster, because love has no boundings...

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