Part 2

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Taeyeon's POV
It's already lunch time. But my works haven't finished yet. My stomach is grumbling, asking for the food. What should I have for my lunch? I believe Seohyun is already outside the office to eat with her friends, YoonA and Hyoyeon. "Why did she never asked me to join with them? Am I that scary as their boss?" I said to myself before stopped what I did a minute ago. "Let's see what I have for lunch!" I said while checking my phone to find a nice delivery food. I'm starving for ice cream. But Hyunie will kill me if she found out that I only have an ice cream for lunch. "Ahhh~ I think I will just order this Bulgogi Beef Box. And of course an ice cream as my desert." I talk to myself again before placing my order. I wait for my food while playing some games on my tablet. I really like playing games. Hyunie would be my partner in gaming at home back then. But, sadly she is so bad at this. She is only good in studying and some boring stuff like cleaning the house. *Knock knock* I heard someone knock on my door. "Come in!" I said loudly so whoever it is, they can hear me. "Excuse me, Miss. Kim. Your food is here." I heard someone talk to me and I stopped my games. I lift my head and found my receptionist standing nervously there. Why? I'm not in my bad mood now. No need to be scared. "Okay, let him come in!" I said before stand up from my chair. That receptionist went out from my room immediately. I think to let the delivery man to come in. I take my wallet and grab some cash. Woaahh~ waiting while playing game is such a help. I don't realize it's almost 1 PM already. Then, a tall and good looking delivery man come into my office with my food. He sets everything on the table at the side of my room. I pay for my food and he wants to give the change money but I stopped him. "No need. Take it as your tip. And thank you for your service." I said nicely, not because of his good looking face but because I'm a nice person for real. My receptionist is still standing near the door. I look at her. "Juniel, help him to find his way. Thank you." I said and Juniel, my receptionist nodded. The delivery man said his gratitude once again before leave my office with Juniel. I come closer to the table and the food looks nice there. But the ice cream catch my eyes first. I take it and want to eat a spoon full of the ice cream before I heard someone knocked on the door. "Come in!" I shouted as my answer. I want to continue but I heard someone fake coughing inside my office. I turn my head to check who is it, still with a spoon full of ice cream on my hand, half away from my mouth. There, I found Seohyun standing in front of the door. She has a stern look on her face. "Have you eaten, unnie?" She asked while crossing her arms on her chest. I gulp before shaking my head. I can hear she is sighing before walking closer to my position and sit besides me. She takes my ice cream, stands up from her seat before walking away to the refrigerator at the corner of my office. She placed my ice cream inside before walking back to sit besides me and take my lunch box to give it to me. "Eat your lunch first before the ice cream!" She said sternly. "You're not fun, Hyunie!" I said but still take my lunch box from her. I start digging in my food. It's delicious! "Why are you here, Hyunie? I think you went out with your friends for lunch?" I said in between chewing my food. I know how my little dongsaeng hate it so much. "Swallow your food first, unnie. Tsk!" She said annoyingly. I chuckle a bit and swallow my food. She hands me my drink and I gladly take it. "I already have my lunch. Then I asked YoonA unnie and Hyoyeon unnie to go back first." She said. "Wae? It's still lunch time indeed." I asked before continue eating. "Because I know my one and only unnie is such a sneaky person. I need to make sure she has her lunch first before the ice cream that she loves so much! Luckily, I come in at the right time." She said proudly. I only shake my head for her strict act. I continue eating while sometimes talking and teasing my Hyunie. It's the best lunch ever until I didn't realize I've finished my food. "Wohoo~ it's ice cream time!" I said happily. Seohyun only shakes her head before standing up for taking my ice cream out from the refrigerator. Then she gives it to me. I share my ice cream with her. It's our favorite flavor! "Unnie, remember to meet our new intern, okay?" She said and I nodded as my answer. I'm too busy with my ice cream to utter a word. After we finished our ice cream, Seohyun leave my office to go back to her desk. I want to continue my works while waiting for the intern to come, but I'm curious about the intern's background. I start reading the document that Seohyun placed few hours ago about this new intern. "Tiffany Young Hwang. Is she Korean-American girl?" I read her name and looking at her portrait there. She is beautiful indeed. Let's see how beautiful she is in person. Wait! "August 1st 1989? She was born at the same year with me. But, why is she still an intern?" I asked to myself. I wonder why she is still in college. I'm just few months older than her but I already finished my study. Even Seohyun is already finished her study in college. Okay, Seohyun is such a genius girl. She can finish her study faster than her other friends at her age. But, I think this Tiffany is not that dumb to be late to graduate from college. Her score records told me so. Then, why is she still studying? Let's find out later.

My Secretive Intern [TaeNy]Where stories live. Discover now