A highschool OC!

19 1 5

Name: Lia
Age: 16

Personality: Nerdy and quick-witted

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Personality: Nerdy and quick-witted. Shy but kind. She also has a knack for having a fast reflex to stuff being thrown at her and neat her. She has ADHD so she brings a fidget toy to class so she can focus more.
Likes: Reading, Animals, Music, Her fidget toy
Dislikes: Loud noises, Barking, Having her iPod taken away, having her fidget toy taken
Height: 5'2
Weight: 124 lbs
Pets: Two cats, one named Mae who is a pure black kitten and Cali, a fluffy grey cat
Piercings: she has a lip piercing
Tattoos: None
Additional: she got the lip piercing when she was 15

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