The Apocalypse

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Writing start Time: 4:37 a.m.

My name is Alyssa, I'm 16 and extremely bored. I'm waiting at my old daycare for my mom to come and visit the people who took care of us while she was working. I hear a scream but think nothing of it as its a daycare full of screaming kids. Plus there was a blow up slide, I remember screaming on those when I was little. 

Though I don't know it, pretty soon I will be screaming as well. Today I just wanted to hang out with my boyfriend Shawn but my parents still think that as soon as we're alone together we'll have sex or something like that but that's not the plan. As my mom finally arrives, we drove separately because I was upset with her, I follow the car to the parking lot to get my little brother Jayce, who is now 2. 

"I still don't understand why we all had to come with you.." The second youngest of 13, Elijah, or Eli for short, says to our mom.

Then Nathaniel, or Nate the one born after me, being his normal self makes a stupid joke that a 15 year old would make and they laugh. My mom smacks them both in the back of the head as I pull Jayce out of his car seat.

Eli's best friend Armando, who's pretty much apart of our family, was with us. He wanted to see where we all grew up, specifically me, I'm his favorite. Eli and Armando have been friends for their entire 7th grade year and when I went to 10th grade at Enterprise High School for the second semester I got to know him as he lives down the street and we ride the same bus. We immediately clicked and I now consider him one of my closest friends and little brother. When Shawn first became my boyfriend I told him before anyone else in my family.

Back to the start of everything. We walked into the daycare that was older then me and we were greeted with silence. It didn't make sense as Patches, the owner of the daycare, knew we would be here to see everybody. Patches has kids that work at the daycare with her, and grandkids who go to the daycare. I remember watching her granddaughter Hailey grow up, she was in kindergarten last I saw her. I was in 5th grade when she started Kindergarten so she should be in 4th or 5th grade now. 

The silence made me think that everyone was outside while the babies in the baby room were napping or something bad had happened.. As I was still holding Jayce, I walked down the hallway to where I remember the baby room being. As I was about to look in my mom whisper shouted my name.

"Alyssa! We don't know if those babies are sleeping but we don't want to wake them!!" What I didn't know is that she saved me from scarring my little brother for life, at least for that moment. 

"Here!" I huffed handing her Jayce while I went to look in the room again.

"Alyssa!" She said in an angered tone.

"I'm just gonna see if they're sleeping mom I promise I'll be quiet!" I whispered to her while rolling my eyes. 

She mumbles "whatever" under her breath as her, Nate, and Eli continue down the hallway. I see Armando whisper something to Eli who in turn whispers to my mom as Armando walks back over to me. 

"I'm gonna stay with you so we all have buddies lol" He says (yes Armando actually says "lol" in real life).

"Whatever dude" I reply with a half smirk as we walk back to the door of the baby room.

The doors of Patches Playmates, (the daycare), were half doors, the bottom part almost always stays shut while the top is usually open unless its nap time. We all assumed the babies were napping because the top part of the door was closed. I slowly turned the doorknob but when I opened it the sight was horrifying.. There was a red substance all over the walls, what we had realized to be blood, and all in the cribs as well. 

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