Chapter 2- Where is he?

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I was walking through the castle and trying to find out were my best friend went,were is he? Why can't
I find them. So decided I should ask wizards who still are outside near the entrance the castle if they have seen mione or Harry.
I asked"Have you seen Harry anywhere?"
Someone among the crowd replied"He went into the castle right after the defeat of that monster"pointing towards the body of Voldy.
"Oh ok thanks " I sighed and left muttering to himself           " now I have to search the whole castle and maybe I could ask the portraits if they have seen him"
I saw a flicker in the portraits I called after that person " hey can you please help me in finding Harry?''
The portrait of Zirconis looked at me for a sec and replied"I saw him go towards the astronomy tower young man as a matter of fact"
I replied " Thank you sir "
'Zirconis told me to also go fast so I could catch up to him'



Walking towards the entrance "Those two dimwits I been searching the whole castle" sighed worrily.  ' were are you both? I know the war has ended but there still could be death eaters roaming around the castle to get revenge for their evil stupid lord ' "haaaaa were are they? when I get my hands on them oh ...".
Then I see Ron coming walking towards the astronomy tower I called after him " Ron you idiot where have you been and where is Harry , I hope both of you have not got in any trouble yet !!" I sighed worrily



" Hey Hermione I've also been searching for Harry and portrait of Zirconis told me he went to the astronomy tower, so I am going there. You coming ? " Ron told a little bit scared for life because of the look in mione's face.
" Yes Ron I will be accompanying you to the astronomy tower let's get going "

On top of astronomy tower

"Hermione he is not here."
"I know ron . We of all people should have realised Harry needed some time to get all of this processed in his head ,
We should give him time to adjust and he will return to us as the Harry we know".

I know Hermione I know."
"Ron let's get inside because I am sure that Harry will show up later tonight or tomorrow morning, so let's return home"
"I hope you're right about this Hermione "
"You know I'm always right my dear so let's get going."
They went inside the castle and said their heading home and apparated out.
After reaching the burrow both went into their shared bedroom and freshened up before climbing on to the bed and
Snuggling eachother to sleep



"Ron get up now this instance "
I was woken up by the shouting of Hermione.
I asked her "What are you shouting about in this pleasant morning dear?"
She turned around there were tears on her face and she was clutching a piece of paper by the looks of it , I was ready to be angry at whoever were the cause of her sadness then is shoves the paper in my hands and said " read it Ron."
I looked at paper and realised it was letter and by the handwriting it was Harry's I thought then I started reading the letter-


I have to inform you guys something that is by the time you received this letter I will already be far gone . I have decided to travel to watching everyone , everything and all living creatures to learn and then gather knowledge . Don't try searching for me that I mean so basically I will come back the only thing I don't know is when . Don't go searching for the hallows they are with me they won't live me. I don't know were I am going so don't simply exhaust the owls . I love all of you Ron , mione , Ginny , the weasley family and everyone . Travel around the earth gather information then look if I received my answers and when I receive them you can expect me back ok. I love you all!!.

Yours truly

The boy who lived \ Harry Potter

PS : Don't worry I will look after myself. Tell Ginny to get a family ok. Please.......

" Ron he will be alright right?"
" Ofcourse mione he will be , he has to be "
" We will wait untill he returns ."

Thanks for reading

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