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"Honey, may we please have a word with you?" Wondering what my mother had in mind, I walked to her room. "Of course Mum." I knocked on the door and waited patiently. Half a second passed by and my mum opened the door. "So how has your modeling gig been?" A thing you should know is that I do not, and I mean not, lie to anyone (well if not necessary). "It's been nice!" I mean not to brag, seriously not trying to brag, but everyone tells me I'm so gorgeous. My hair is light blond and its in layers. My eyes are a mix of blue, grey, and a pinch of light green. I guess my style somewhat adds to my looks. I always make sure to dress nice anywhere I go. "That good! The reason I called you, Is because your father and I, have decided to send you back to high-school." Okay, now that threw me off. I do not need to go to high school, I'm smart enough. It's just a waste of time and plus I don't feel like making any drama! I remember when I was in high school back then, people though I was cute. I didn't exactly have friends because everyone was older than me. But I did have them to talk to. "Do I have to? It's really a waste of my time." I heard my mum sigh. I strongly dislike it when she sighs like that because it always makes me change my mind. "Sweetheart, just try and I promise that after a month, if you do not like it, you can leave." She really wanted me to go. "Fine." What did I just get myself into?! Why does life have to be so complicated? Ugh. "I knew you would agree!! You start next week, and I know the school year already started but it's always fun to be a new student! Right?" She said with a big smile. Next thing I know she's hugging me and telling me how much fun I'm gonna have. I don't know If she knows how people act nowadays. I feel nervous and scared? To be honest, I've never felt like this. I find it really weird and I don't think I like it.

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