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"Hey there cupcake" who does he think he is calling me cupcake. I have to keep my calm. "Hello" wow really! I cant believe I just said that. "Want to go out sometime?" He winked. No please just don't go there. "No, sorry but I have lots of work to do and plus I'm not looking to try to be in any sort of relationship!" He looked at me and smirked. "Cupcake, it's not a "relationship' it's a one night thing." That was harsh. "Still a no." You know I can literally beat his a** up. I took every fighting and self defense class on the list. But I'm too nice. He walked away without even saying bye. What else did I expect? For him to be nice. Hahahaha. I turned to see the bimbo, he was making out with, give me a death glare. Ugh.

At P.E my coach told all the girls to run a lap. I was more ready than ever. "On your mark....get set....go!!!!!" I ran fast. I started off in third place and then I was besides Brenda. Next thing you know everyone's way behind. I finished and my coach looked very surprised. "You run really fast! I think you could beat every boy in this school!" Thanks for boosting my self esteem. Just kidding but I'm seriously thankful. "Thanks" I walked away and went to Brenda. "OMG girl everyone was so surprised than you ran that fast! Only if you could see Jessica's face." Wait who? "Who's that?" It came out of that mouth of mine. "One of Ryder's chicks!" She told me "oh that bimbo! Wait she's not his girlfriend?" She made a sarcastic laugh. "As If, he only uses her!" That makes perfect sense.

School finished and I went to the locker room to pick up my bag. Suddenly I heard noises and let me tell you these weren't funny noises they were very unpleasant. I guess people these days cant just handle business at home. Curiosity got to the best of me and I peeked inside of the janitors closet and guess who I saw? The one and only Ryder with Jessica. Guys really cant control themselves. Maybe I should ruin their time. I walked in without thinking. Both of their faces were emotionless. I had to speak up. "Wow! cant control yourself, I see!" A sarcastic remark is always good. "Why don't you mind your business sl**" Jessica has the nerves. "Look who's talking.... Your half naked!!" I'm surprised Ryder hasn't spoken up yet. I was about to walk up until i heard Ryder say something. "Why did you have to ruin the moment?!" Ok this is it. "Me... Ruin your moment? Please You guys just ruined my virgin eyes." I walked out and grabbed my bag. I started walking home. When I got home, I did all of my homework in 5 minutes and then fell fast asleep. It was a tiring day!

The Epitome of PerfectionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin