news of the Shadow

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The morning was cold and I could see frost on the grass blades as I walk to the Golden Hall. I'm wrapped up in my shawl, it's strange wearing a dress again, I usually don't wear dresses very often but in this case it is keeping me warmer than a pair of breeches would.

I think of what I would say to Théoden as I walk, looking at my feet most of the time. I was climbing the steps to Medusled when I run into something hard, I looked up and see Éomer, who smiled at me and pulled me into an embrace, "I heard you come in last night, I'm glad you are back safely." He let me go after a small pause.

I look up, seeing his light blue eyes on my own, he towers above me, the top of my head was is about level with his shoulder. His hair was in his usual manner, long and blond, bound in a leather tie. I am still close to him from the embrace, and his hand is still clutching my arm, I usually find myself slightly speechless and my mind befuddled when I am around him, I really don't know why...perhaps because I like him.

I smile and force myself to say something, "Thank you, Éomer, but I must go and report to the king. I'll talk to you later?" I finish with a question, mentally kicking myself repeatedly.

"Yes, I suppose." He answers with a smile, kind as ever.

I walk past him muttering to myself about acting like a silly girl around him, but I also I feel as though I brushed him off rudely. Turning to look back, and I see him still standing where I left him, his eyes trained on me.

I wave and smile, trying to not look awkward, he smiled in return and started to walk away, I turn back to Medusled and breathed a sigh. I curse myself for being so immature for my age, I am much too old to even think of Éomer in that manner. I have known him since he was a wiry boy, I was perhaps in my late twenties then, he is in his twenties now. I may look to be young still, but that doesn't give me a reason for my mind to act immature.

Once I was at the Golden Hall, I see Háma and I ask him about his family and small happenings around town, his wife and I are rather close, though she is rather homely. I then pass him as I walk though the heavy wooden doors.

The Golden Hall, flooded in the bright light of the morning though the windows, making the tapestries look even more beautiful as I pass them. They depicted tales of Léof, Brego, Déor and many more, I stare lovingly at them, thinking of times when evil was less rampant and good always triumphed.

This place was once more beautiful than it is now, now it is instilled in fear. We now officially know that there is someone that want to destroy everything, the whole town can feel it. The traveling party no doubt told most everyone about the news in Gondor. It's just the king, he is oblivious to the fact that Darkness is coming, even though it is bright and the air is clear here, doesn't mean it will stay that way. Again, I blame Wormtongue for the Mark's ignorance.

I remember Gríma when he first got his position. Young, wiry, eager to learn, and smart; I always wondered what had happened to him over these years. Every time I'd come back from Gondor or Belfalas he would change, and so would Théoden.

I come up to the steps of the throne and genuflect before the King of the Mark. I raise my head and see that Théoden was barely awake, sitting on his throne, looking haggardly into the distance. I stand and before I could address the king, Wormtongue asked, "What tidings from the land of your ancestry?" He likes to constantly point out that I am not of Rohan, though I call it home.

I stand more straight, "I'd like to talk to the king alone."

"Nay, all official matters must have a witness." He snapped.

I look around me, there where a few guards posted around. Witnesses. I sighed inwardly and let it go.

"Lord Denethor claims that something terrible is to happen soon, the sky is darker there. It will start to creep up to us soon as well. The orc raids are becoming more frequent and aggressive, raiding small towns. Gondor anticipates that you are still ready to fight with them. Bereland and the rangers of the north are armed for war to help against this evil." I state as officially as a could, it's my job to be messenger wherever Rohan and Gondor need me, mostly Gondor now though, since Rohan cannot make many decisions by herself.

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