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Under the night sky I walked by no light other than the full, bright moon; casting long, deep shadows, but plenty of light to walk to my little cottage.

Éomer has left with Theodred and the Rohirrim, slaying a band of orcs causing havoc in the eastern part of the country, leaving Henedan posted to me; as Éomer promised.

I feel safe when Henedan is around, he is a kind, brave soul that would do anything to protect me. He was there the first 'incident' with Gríma occurred, saving me from that.

I carried documents and papers in in my arms, news of raids and appeals to find relief from said raids come from the borders of our lands more often than I'd like. The Wild Men and orcs often steal our horses and food and they kill whomever gets in their way.

It pains me to not know what they do with the horses they catch, the Wild Men use them, but the orcs don't. They have been catching black horses mainly, I know not why, but it concerns me especially since Fwalda is black. We have a special bond with our horses, we are usually very protective over them. Our people now have hardly any able men to fight in the towns that they raid, so they let the thieves go.

Which concerned me greatly as well, Rohan was once filled with able men to fight; not so anymore. How were we ever to protect ourselves with mostly unable old men, women, and children? Most women knew how to protect themselves, we learned that those who do not still die by them either way. But the men would never let us fight in a full on war, much to my despair.

My thoughts are broken; however, I hear something.

I stop in front of a dark shadow, peering into it. I should not of done that. Before I could scream, Wormtongue, that Snake, covered my mouth with one slimy hand and clutched my arm with the other; pulling me into the shadows, a dark passage between the small buildings.
He slammed me against the wooden exterior wall of a building, knocking the wind out of me, putting a dagger up to my neck. He was strong for someone looking wiry and sickly.

"How dare you insult me, woman!" He horsely whispered, his pale eyes looming not ten inches in front of my face, catching on the moonlight eerily. "I outrank you by far! In fact I probably hold more authority than the king himself!" He proclaims smugly, his pale face too close to mine for comfort.

He probably is right, I thought, to my despair, but not a normal man he once was could poison another man's mind like that; there must be another power at work, though I know not what it is.

"Who is controlling you Gríma?" I ask angrily, despite the sharp blade to my throat, "You were never like this, who now rules you?"

His face contorted into a serpent-like smile and whispered, "It will never be your concern, my lady, for you probably will never live out the night." He threatened, pressing his dagger into my neck as example. Memories of what he has done in the past to me flood into my mind and instantly my brave facade crumbles and I am paralyzed in fear.
The Snake had me pinned to the wall, his hands on my waist in an iron grip, I cannnot struggle nor scream, I just wish that this would be over with.

"You'll pay, Fíriel." He said lowly, his cold, icy even perhaps dead looking eyes piercing into my, undoubtedly, fearful ones. You'll pay for what? For making it apparent that he is a dirty underhanded fool? How could he look into the eyes of his prey? He knows he is going to do wrong, how could he face his victim such as this? He must be truly evil.

He moves his left hand up and pins my wrists above my head and the right moves to my neck. I am paralyzed in fear, I've been attacked before by him, otherwise it would be Éowyn that he would be pinning to the wall and trying to do this to. I suppose I protect her.

His nose pokes into my neck as he nuzzles me and my brain is screaming to me to get out of his sinewy yet strong arms. To do something. Finally, I notice my legs are no longer pinned to the wooden outside of the wall.

So I move them.

I kick as hard as I could at Gríma, hitting him where it counts. He grunts and releases me, I run, I run very fast because I hear him running after me.

I run for Henedan's cottage. I obviously run faster than Wormtongue, so I had time to yell and pound on the door. Praying that Henedan was inside. He answered, rubbing sleep from his eyes, with a puzzled look on his face.

"What's wrong?" He asks as I rush into the room, and I scream at him to shut and lock the door. He complies with floods of unvoiced questions in his eyes.

I sit on his bed, face in my hands, the documents I carried long forgotten, trying to catch my breath, my ragged nervous breaths were difficult to calm. Henedan tried to coax some words from me. Finally, in between gasps of adrenaline and fear. I answer, "Gríma, he attacked me again." Henedan then looked at me with pity, I saw his expression and I quickly added, "I fled," I choke out, wrapping my arms around my torso, still heaving adrenaline-fueled breaths. "I ran before he did anything."

Henedan then enveloped me in a huge, warm bear hug that soothed my frazzled nerves, whispering calming things I cannot remember now.

When I feel calmer, I just rest against Henedan's hard chest. "I should of protected you," he whispered, "I'm so sorry, Fíriel. I promised Éomer."

I face Henedan, his face was filled with sorrow and perhaps fear of what Éomer would say and do. I took his face in my hands making him meet my eyes. "Henedan, there was nothing you could of done, you had no idea that I was out at night. It's really my fault. Éomer, I'm sure, would understand, he really would not do anything in your place either. Wormtongue is a slippery snake, he knows when to find me unprotected." I assured Henedan, embracing him as tightly as I could, comforting him, as well as myself. I feel so safe in his arms.

"I'll tell him what happened, he knows of the other two times." I spoke quietly. Éomer had saved me once, the second time. He coddled me for hours, trying to calm me. That is when I first had feelings for him.

Henedan puffed and growled, "Why does he try to do this to you time and time again? I know you try to protect Éowyn, but three times? I hate that you live in fear here, in your home of all places! You never know when you might be killed or worse." Henedan spoke fiercely, clearly his hate for Gríma building.

This brings up a good point; I am not safe here. I am better off in Minas Tirith, though it is closer to the land of Shadow. "I'll probably would have to leave soon; Gríma will try again and I want to leave." I speak my thoughts aloud, still in Henedan's embrace. "You need to just focus on Éowyn right now; protect her. And I will be safe in Minas Tirith."

"Fíriel, no; I feel terrible for not protecting you. I will come with, the raids are too often for your travels to be safe, please?" Henedan asked me, his dark blue eyes piercing into mine.

"Let us see what Éomer will say, I will ask him if he wants you with me. He should be back soon." I state, stepping out of Henedan's embrace.

Hey so ooops... I fell way behind in publishing bc I'm kinda stuck a little bit.....
And yes, this is a bit shorter, I was trying to decide to either put the next part into the next chapter.. the next would probably be a filler chapter.
I'm curious to know who is your favorite character thus far? (Ew not gríma tho k?)

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