Session 4

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Me and you still going strong and 10th grade is here . We had a pep rally on the 2nd week of school and that's when I had my first kiss . He was in band and I was nothing but a average girl. Even though I wanted to participate in dance I couldn't tryout because I wasn't flexible . He started getting attention from everybody out the whole school and he became semi popular. I wasn't worried though because we was still us . The school homecoming was coming up and I was planning to go since it'll be my first dance I ever went to . I was going to go with two of my other friends but he proposed to me .

Dozen donuts from Dunkin' Donuts and it read " please donut say no. Hoco ?

You gave me this. I was on my way to third hour ( we had class together ) and you and your friends set me up. I was so happy that you gave me a big box of donuts. I don't even eat much and you still brought me this . I was smiling the whole day.
We went to the dance together and it was absolutely fun. They played good songs but at the most the songs was boring . But I enjoyed being with my friends the whole night .

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