Scene III

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[Back in the hospital hallway, nurses and doctors walked from room to room, patients wonder the halls, and family member sit in chairs outside of rooms in various states of emotion.]

Teresa: Honey, are you okay? Don't cry, here's a tissue, everything's okay.

[Teresa hands Vanessa a tissue from an almost empty pack. She puts an arm around her in comfort and support.]

Vanessa: I'm sorry, it's just a lot to handle. He was always so nice to me.

Teresa: I know, he's a great kid. He'll pull through, he's a fighter. I know he will. You have nothing to worry about.

Vanessa: Thank-you, Mrs. Hart. That's really comforting. I think I should go; I need to think about all this.

Teresa: Okay, you take some time for yourself. This is really hard on all of us. Self-care is important.

Vanessa: Please tell Sadie that I took the bus. I don't want to burden her while she's with Simon.

Teresa: Of course, dear. Please, visit at any time.

Vanessa: Thank-you, and have a good day, Mrs. Hart.

[Vanessa walks away, fighting the smile pulling at her lips]

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