chapter 4

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tora's pov}

I sighed as I made it to the old hags village and walked in as the villagers stared at me as per usual. some with annoyance and others with kind eyes.

as I kept walking two children bumped into me, a boy and a girl. I looked down as they looked up and I smiled. "are you ok?" I asked as the girl nodded and the boy tried to tug her away from me as soon as they noticed who they were talking to.

"were so sorry lady tora" the boy said quickly as the ran away with the girl pulled behind him. I sighed again, the villagers still were not use to me after the thew months I have been here.  contiunted to walk to the hags hut and just walked in.

I sat down next to the old lady and smirked at her. " so tell me again, how are you not dead yet...?" I asked smugly as she 'accidently' lent on my tails. " geez hag, watch it" I yelled as a nock came to the door. "see child, that is how you enter someone home" she said looking at me as I was rubbing my two tails in annoyance.

"come in" the old lady simply said as I continued to tend to my twin tails. then I heard an annoying voice of...

"dammit not you again!"  I said as I looked at inuyasha as he looked at me as well and growled. "yes its me again, and hey, look I brought you something this time! to umm make up for last time" he growled out what I think was meant to be an apology as he pushed a girl who was behind him. 

she looked oddly familiar.... 

"So... who da fuck is the little human in a little kimono?" I asked as the girl blushed and tugged at her skirt.

"The little human is someone you should know... cat...." inuyasha said as I looker at him and sighed.

"I'm don't personally know any little humans" I replied as the girl began to get angry.

"My name isn't little human it's kagome...!!!!" She yelled as I giggled at her out burst.

"My apologies" I said with a laugh as her face grew red with anger but she just sighed and shook her head.

"Just as rude as most demons I've have the utmost pleasure to meet" she said sarcasticly as she glared at inuyasha.

He then pushed the girl closer to me and I caught her sent.

"What the hell! Why does this human smell like me!" I exclaimed as the girls slightly shook.

"You see I... ummm. .. think we may be related" she mumbled as my cat like ears picked up every word.

"How! I have now mother and my father has been dead for centuries!" I said as the girl sighed and walked closer.

"Your mother is alive. And she is sorta in a different world... they thought we would be safer with how our differences are. Such as you look more demon and I look more human..." kagome said as I nodded.

"That would make sense. But why wouldn't I be welcome in your world?" I asked as she sighed.

"Demons are not around... you see I was brought to live in Japan's future where as you were brought to live in the past when demons roomed the earth" the dark haired girl explained as I nodded.

It made sense but I wouldn't believe her till I met my mother.

"Take me to our mother.... then and only then... will I believe you" I said as she nodded and grabbed my hand then we began to walk out side of the hut.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2019 ⏰

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