xi. A Human Heart

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       IT'S SAFE TO SAY THAT BRIAR already feels terrible. Like, heart-wrenching, stomach-twisting, all around terrible. Terrible, terrible, terrible. She keeps on thinking about it and she thinks, why the fuck did I say anything? She feels awful... And she doesn't know what she's going to do now, because what if this happens the next full moon, too? She can't argue with her friends every time it's a full moon...

       The full moon's tomorrow night, the same day as the first task. Briar feels bad already, knowing that Fleur's worrying about her when she's got far more important things to focus on. Everything's just — it feels as if everything's just falling apart. Briar felt like she had a firm grasp on this curse for a long time, but now, she's lost it completely. It's as if she only noticed, just as it floated far enough away that she couldn't grab it, couldn't fix things. Instead, it disappeared into the ocean, and it's left Briar drowning.

       She reaches the end of her Friday lessons and she decides that she's got to make amends with Fred. She doesn't know what she's going to say, she doesn't know what's going to happen come the next full moon, but she can't spend another minute sitting around, knowing she's upset him, knowing she's not making an effort to fixing everything. Because here's the thing: once upon a time, when she was still a Gryffindor student, he was the person she was closest to. Sure, she was best friends with George and Lee as well, but it was always Fred that she went to first, it was always Fred that was there for her. And she knows things have changed in the year she's been gone... But the point still stands. She can't lose him. She just can't.

       Briar pulls her hair up with a red scrunchie as she walks out of the carriage, up towards the castle. Her inner eye's telling her that in precisely three minutes, Fred's going to be in the corridor to the left of the Great Hall — so that's where Briar goes. She tries to think of what to say, but she still doesn't know. She's hoping that it'll come to her, in the moment, because if not she's screwed.

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