Chapter 11

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Kim's POV.

I had been standing. Staring out of the window for the last couple of hours. I couldn't help but think he was going to come back to get me... And that he would finish the job he was going to do..

'Kimba. You have to stop worrying and just relax. Come on. Come and sit down....' Cheryl said. Pulling me out of my thoughts. 'Please babe'

'What if he comes here though. What if he tries to harm you cheryl?' I said, starting to panic again.

'Kim. Babe. We've been through this before. I won't let him hurt you. And as for him hurting me... I'd like to see him try. And another thing is... He doesn't know where I live anymore babe, I've moved house since you've split up with him... he can't get you babe' she said. Confidence in her voice.

'Can we not get some kind of restraining order against him?' I was suddenly saying my thoughts out loud. I didn't know why...

'I don't know babe, we can look into it though' she said confident as ever.

Cheryl's POV.

Today was a good day. Relaxing is the right word. We had the girls round, chatting about everything from our outfits for the next performance to what we watched on the TV the night before.

I could tell kimba was thinking.. about him? or something else. Whenever I asked she said she was fine so I assumed that it wasn't bothering her too much.

Kimberley's POV.

When the girls had gone, my phone started ringing on the coffee table... I answered it without reading the called ID.


'Kimberley, I know where you are. You and your little slut. I will find you! And I WILL finish the job I started!' With that the phone cut off....

Realising who it was I started to panic and cry...

'Kimba. Babe what up?' Cheryl asked coming into the front room.

'J.... Justin. He knows where you live.....'

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