Chapter 13

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Kimberley's POV.

"Come on babe, we need to make the most of today. I have meetings all day tomorrow" cheryl said.

"I know" I said. I was just too tired to do anything. All I wanted to do is lie in bed with her. Cuddling all day, that would be my perfect day.

"It's too cold to go outside today" I said. Hoping she would suggest staying in today. Hopefully just relaxing.

"How about we make some hot chocolate.. With the mini marshmallows in.. go into the sitting room and watch Christmas movies..."

I didn't reply....

"Hello.. Earth to kimba"

"What... Sorry babe. I was day dreaming about the hot chocolate.. But yeah, that sounds like my perfect day" I replied. Kissing her on the cheek.


I was bored. Cheryl had meetings today. So I had just lay in bed. Resting my hand on my now very rounded stomach. Feeling our baby kick.. Amazing to feel that It was really only a week or two until this little one was due..

I loved the feeling of it I was so comfy that I never wanted to move. Then *knock**knock**knock* my whole body froze. Was it him? Had he been stalking the house.... Was this finally it?

I crept slowly down to the front door. The knock sounded again.

"Wh-who is it?"

"It's me Kimba. Cheryl sent me to check on you. She said you didn't look yourself when she left this morning"

Oh thank god it was only Nicola. I unlocked the door and let her in.

"Hello there! How are you miss walsh?" She said cheekily winking at me.

"I'm. I'm fine" I said trying to sound confident. Truth was I wasn't fine. Id been having these shooting pains all day. I thought they were just more braxton hicks...

"Are you sure, Kimba? You look off colour. And baby seems to be moving around a lot more than usual" she said. Looking concerned.

"Y-" was all I could say before the worst of the pains shot through me. I screamed out in pain.

"Oh my god. Kimba.. What's wrong? Is it the baby?!" Nic said in a panic.

"I- I'm fine. Just braxton hicks I think" I was trying to sound confident while saying that. If nic believed me was a different story.

"Kimba.. ive known you long enough to know when youre lying missy... and that right there was a big... fat... lie.. now ill ask again. Are. You. Okay?"

I didnt reply. I couldnt reply. My voice was stuck in my throat.. i couldnt speak.. the pain was stopping me. This couldnt be it... i still had weeks to go... it couldnt.. could it....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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