s i x t e e n

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"now that you're gone, i'll be back on my own."

Macy's POV

Today is Monday. It's also Memorial Day, so there's no school.

I felt different today. I felt bolder. Like i had gained my confidence back. I think i'm ready to face the facts.

I think i'm ready to talk to finn.

It was just after nine o'clock in the morning when i rolled out of bed. I brushed my teeth and performed the rest of my hygiene routine. I threw on some distressed jeans and a seattle seahawks hoodie. I went downstairs and grabbed a small bowl of yogurt. After that, i kind of just remained a couch potato, until about noon when I decided to text finn. "Meet me at the park in five," I said.

Without waiting for a response, I grabbed my skateboard from my closet and made my way to the front door. Just as i was about to leave, my mother called out from the kitchen. "Where are you off to, sweetheart?"

"I'm just gonna ride through the park for awhile," I told her, patting my skateboard by my side to indicate that i meant the skate park. I still hadn't told her about the incident.

"Alright, honey. Have fun and be safe. Oh, and be back before two. We're meeting up with Aunt Tommie for lunch," she informed me. Aunt Tommie was one of my mom's old girl friends from Los Angeles. They were really close, and she also used to babysit me and Frankie when Mom was busy, so we called her our aunt.

"Alright, love you!" I replied. And with that, I left the house and skated my way to the park. By the time I got there, Finn was already there, and I found him sitting on one of the swings. I took the swing next to him, and we sat there for a moment or two in an uncomfortable silence, both of us looking down at our subtly swinging feet. Then i finally spoke.

"I have questions and I want answers," I said trying with everything in me to sound confident, but only sounding scared and shaky.

He only continued to stare down at his feet as he nervously rubbed his hands together. "Ask away then," he said quietly.

"Why did you do it?" I asked him, looking him in the eye, even though he wouldn't look in mine. "Why did you go behind my back with her and kiss her?"

Finn let out a breath and shrugged lightly so that it was barely noticeable. "I... I don't know. She invited me to eat lunch with her one day, and I don't know why i didn't decline the request. I honestly didn't think things would go that far, but then he just leaned in, and I couldn't stop myself."

"You know, if you had just told me yourself, maybe this would hurt less for the both of us," I said shaking my head.

"What do you mean if i just told you myself?"

"Maybe we would both be hurting a little less right now if you had just told me you didn't feel the same way about me anymore and that you felt those feelings towards Addilyn, instead of going behind my back with her."

"I'm sorry, Macy. I really am."

"Your apology means nothing to me." He looked down at his hands once more and sighed. "Honesty, Finn."

"Macy, I-"

"I'm not done talking." I interrupted him and shot him a stern look that told him to shut his trap. Getting the hint, he said nothing more.

"Honesty is one of the most important things in any relationship. The relationship between someone and their significant other. Between a child and their parent. Between two siblings..."

"Macy, listen to me-"

"No, Finn. You listen to me." We were now no longer sitting on the swings. Instead, we both stood and faced each other, with hurt, confused, sad, broken, and empty facial expressions, all at the same time. "Something as simple as dishonesty can wreck so many things, Finn. Reputation. Trust. Hearts. Entire fucking relationships."

"Macy, please just forgive me. I love you! I really do!" He raised his voice at me, so I raised mine at him.

"But, if you truly loved me, you wouldn't have been lured into her trap and kissed her!"

"Maybe you're right! Maybe I should take that back, because maybe, just maybe... I don't love you."

"Well you know what? After everything, I still love you, Finn!"

"Oh really? Because by the way you're speaking to me and handling this situation, one would think you don't."

"Think about it, Wolfhard. Think about it real hard. You can hate someone, but love them at the same time."

Finn scoffed at me. "I didn't take time out of my day to meet you here just to be lectured, Macy."

I was completely taken aback by his comment. Before, I was fuming with anger. But now, I'm more sad and heartbroken than ever. Tears welled up in my eyes. He seemed surprised by the comment himself. "Macy... I- I'm sorry."

"Well, guess what. I took time out of my day to make sure you knew what you. Did. Wrong." I roughly poked his chest with every word i said. My voice was quieter now and more shaky with tears. But it was still as stern as ever. Tears were rolling down the both of our cheeks at this point. I began to walk away, but I turned around and said, "And don't you fucking scoff at me."

I took my skateboard and left him, standing there. Guilty. I wasn't sorry for anything i said to him. He needed to hear every little thing I had to say.


So what are your thoughts?

Thank you all for reading :)

~ s

𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒆  ( 𝒇.𝒘. )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ