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Mark: well when yugyeom asked jinyoung to come over to his house. He got a text from jaebum and jinyoung showed me the texts from him and they said. "well, you know how I chat with you right? The couple like teasing texts in the group chat right?"
And then then I guess jinyoung replied with "oh okay" or something I really don't remember clearly. Then he told me that he felt a little sad so he went out to the park and was going to his favorite spot but he heard voices so he pecked at the people and saw you and jaebum kissing...he then ran away...you know...he was almost about to get hit by a fast car but Chanyeol saved him and then he took jinyoung back home.

Yugyeom: oh...

Youngjae: Ah shit...I can't believe I didn't pull away sooner...I can't believe he almost got really badly hurt...just because of me...

Bambam: I really feel like bowing down to Chanyeol because he saved- wait Chanyeol? The park Chanyeol?!??!?? From my most favorite group of all time!!?!!!!

Mark: yes

Bambam: O.0 oH mY GOD!!!!!

Youngjae: Bambam calm down remember this isn't the chat to fanboy about exo-

Bambam: mMmmfffff Fine •^•

Yugyeom: well...I don't know what we can do...

Youngjae: no! Let's not give up! We must help them

Mark: yea...it was pretty hard to see jinyoung cry a lot...

Youngjae: :( so...hmmm...what if we make jinyoung and jaebum meet eachother...But they won't know they would just know that they are meeting someone?

Mark: hmm yea that could work but how will it solve our problem?

Yugyeom: hmm what if we make jaebum and jinyoung drunk then they could apologize ? Also fuck later?

Bambam: ......oh wow baby I didn't know you were that dirty-

Yugyeom: shut up!

Mark: Uhm I'll pretend I didn't read that-

Youngjae: sounds fun but no. Hmmm we could trap them in a closet then lock it?

Mark: oh nice

Bambam: oohhohohoho then we will unlock it after we hear them kissing?????

Youngjae: hmmm not a bad idea 💡

Yugyeom: oh wow I'll get to see them kiss!

Mark: well at least the tension between them will be gone

Youngjae: yUP so here's the plan

*youngjae is typing*

Bambam: awwwwwww nOt AGaIN!

Yugyeom: Let's hope I don't fall asleep-

Bambam: hmm you can sleep on my lap?

Yugyeom: hmm maybe ye- no!

Bambam: hmmm you can sleep on me ;)

Yugyeom: oh mY gOD!

Mark: well this is entertaining.


Hi- oh wow 900 something reads- thank you

Also sorry for the long wait
I'll upload the next chapter tomorrow~

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