Chapter 1: That new girl in the cast

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[Finn Wolfhard]

I remember, it was the first day shooting stranger things 2, on November 7, in 2016. I was so excited to see all my friends, i missed them a lot. I gave a kiss to my mom and my brother and i left them. I love my family a lot i really was going to miss them but hopefully, i'll go back home after the first week of shooting.
Millie and Noah was already there, i ran to them and gived them a big hug. Every time i see them, i remember how lucky i am to have such great friends. We called Gaten and then Caleb to ask them when they were coming because it was already 10 a.m. Both were coming at midday. I went with Millie and Noah to see the lodges and the filming locations.
When we arrived there, we saw the Duffers. We ran to them, saluated them and asked them what were they planning to do on this season. They showed us a room and told us to go there because they already gave the scripts to the actors. We followed their instructions and went to the room where we met Winona, Joe, Natalia, Charlie, David, Cara and a lot of other people from the season 1. I readed all the signs to find one with my name on it. I find it between two guys' signs i didn't know yet. Sadie sink and Dacre Montgomery. Their place were empty. So i went to mine and started reading the script. At midday, Gaten and Caleb arrived and we gave them a big hug. We talked about the script that they already readed when they were in the car. Caleb told us he was excited to see his future "girlfriend" i laughed and showed him the empty places and said: "I think Sadie Sink is Max aka your future girlfriend." We laughed. "and Dacre Montgomery will be Billy." Millie and Noah joined us and Gaten said: "I never heard of them before." So Millie answered: "Let's see on internet."

Sadie sink, born on the 16th of april 2002 in Brenham, known for portraying Annie in Brodway.

But nothing about Dacre.

We all readed the small paragraph about Sadie in silent before that Gaten says:
"- Oh ! I do remember her ! I also was in Brodway when i was younger ! She was so talented and had such a good voice ! Caleb do you remember when we used to play with her ?
- Yeah !"
At the moment he said that, the Duffers entered and asked everyone to sit so they can get us to meet the new actors.
- Hey guys ! You may remarked the empty seats right there and the two new caracters in the show ! Let us present you Dacre Montgomery and Sadie Sink ! They will play Maxine and Billy.
Then entered, a brown headed boy, with green eyes, he smiled to us saying "hi". We all smiled at him back. Followed him a red headed girl, she was so cute, she said that she was glad to film the second season with us. It was Sadie Sink.


This is my first chapter of my first fanfic, so i'm really sorry if it is kind of bad haha, i'm new to this ! I think i'll post chapter two tomorrow since I am on holidays !


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