Chapter 2: Would we make a great couple ?

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[ Finn Wolfhard ]

We talked a lot with the Duffers and asked questions about the script. I had the chance to exchange with Sadie. She was so shy ! I tried to make her comfortable and it was kind of better. Then we all went to the game room filming place where we was going to shoot the first scenes. We made it in less than 2 hours and went to the high school decor to shoot the scenes where Sadie's caracter presents herself to the class and where everyone in the party understands she is MadMax. I was extremly suprised by her talent ! For some seconds i thought it was real. She really deserved to be in the show with us. I didn't saw Millie a lot that day because she didn't have scenes with us at first. I missed her. We are like boyfriend and girlfriend on set. Super close. But we all met at the group dinner. We spoke a lot with Dacre and Sadie to make them feel that they are like everyone here and don't have to be like their caracters: the new people in town. Because they were so sweet and polite that they don't have to feel apart of the group. Then i went to my caravan that i was sharing with Gaten. We putted pyjamas and Gaten started asking:
" - What do you think about the new actors ? They look cool !
- Yeah they seem really funny and down-to-earth. I hope they will get trought their timidity so we will get to know them more.
- Also, you seemed like you really wanted to know more about Sadie. Do you like her ?
- Of course i do ! We would be great friends.
- Come on Finn, you know what i mean.
I blushed, stayed silent until Gaten resumed:
- Haha i knew it ! You would make a great couple.
- Maybe in the future. But i don't want her to be embarassed. I think i'll try to be her friend and then we will see.
- If you say so, good night but believe me, we will resume this subject tomorrow !
- Okay haha, good night !"
I thought a lot about Gaten's words. Would me and Sadie be a good couple ? And do i have feelings for her ? All this made me blush more. I tried to forget about it and slept.
Next day, I had to wake up at 8. But when I saw that Gaten was still sleeping i wondered who i was going to shoot with. Because most of the time, i have scenes with him and Caleb. I asked the staff and someone told me that i was going to shoot a scene from episode 4 with Sadie. I blushed again. I had a scene with her. I remembered it when they gave me the script and how my caracter was speaking bad to Sadie's one made me kind of sad.

"-Why do you hate me so much ?
- I do not hate you ! How can i hate you i don't even know you.
- But you don't want me in your party.
- Correct.
- Why not ?
- Because you are annoying !"

I remembered how max was cool in the show. How can he hates her ? Anyways it's not real i have to forget about it. I saw Sadie having a skate lesson. I joined her. And helped her everytime she falled. I enjoy skating. I used to do it to do it with my brother in front of our house. I miss him so much. When i was thinking of him, i realised that Sadie was speaking to me.
" - Excuse me ? I was thinking of something sorry.
- I said that you look good in skate.
- Yeah i'm good at it ! Do you want me to help you ?
- Okay !"

Sadie showed me what she had to do in that scene and i helped her so she can do it better. Then Duffers joined and Matt joked saying : " Come on Mike, Eleven is going to be very angry !"
We both blushed and laughed.

Then we putted each others in our places and started shooting. I tried my best to be normal and not to blush but Sadie really have a weird effect on me that I never felt before.

Hi here i am, back with this new chapter ! Hope you enjoyed it. I think i'll post chapter 3 later or tomorrow depending on when i'll have inspo ! <3

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