Chapter 3: Truth or dare ?

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[ Finn Wolfhard ]

Saturday, a day before we go back to our families till Tuesday. We all tried to become Sadie and Dacre's friends. I really liked their personallity. They are both so funny and down-to-earth, just like we expected. That night, i reunited with Millie, Noah, Gaten, Caleb and Sadie to do a Truth or dare - I love that game and we used to play it every week-end with my family - in Millie and Sadie's caravan. So we spinned the bottle, Millie and Gaten :
"- So Gaten, truth or dare ? Said Millie.
- I know you Milie, you will give me something impossible to do if I told you dare. So truth.
- Haha yeah ! So.. Who is your best friend here ?
- Well.. I'm friend with Caleb since we were like 6 or 7. So i'll say him. But I love you all guys !
- We love you too Gaten ! Said Sadie."
I'm glad she doesn't feel apart of the group anymore. We spinned the bottle, Noah and Caleb :
"- Caleb ! Truth or dare ?
- Oh my gosh.. I don't know. Let's go for truth.
- Okay ! Do you have a crush on someone here ?"
He looked at Sadie, blushed and said yes. Sadie smiled too. So these two have a crush on each other. How couldn't i notice it before ?
We spinned the bottle again. Millie and I. So she said :
"- So Finn ! Truth or dare ?
- Since anyone here is doing truth... Dare.
- Okay... Wait I have no idea, someone help me ?
So Gaten went to her and whispered something i couldn't hear. Both of them laughed and Mills - that's the nickname I gave to her - resumed :
- Kiss Sadie.
- What ?
- Come on Finn, you know what she means, said Gaten.
- Okay.."
Sadie shifted awkwardly in her seat as I moved towards her. I don't think she was scared or anything, maybe she was just embarassed. My feelings for Sadie were a bit mixed up, but I was sure that this kiss would clear all my thoughts. I putted my hands on her cheeks who were slightly red, turning to a bright beautiful crimson color, making me understand she was just scared. Suddenly, I did what I was waiting for since I met Sadie; I kissed her, as she instantly tensed up, but the more we kissed the more comfortable we were, sending goosebumps in both of our bodies. She deepened the kiss by putting her hands on my scalp, only making me grin into the kiss, as she smiled too. It was amazing.
"- Next person! Shouted Caleb interrupting us, as I chuckled, coming back to my place.
- That was.. intense. Said Millie.
I looked at Sadie, she was a bit embarassed but she was smiling and blushing. So I wasn't the only one. She also enjoyed this amazing kiss. Then I looked at Caleb. I've never seen him so angry. So I said so he can calm down :
"- What ? No ! We just did it for the game.
- Haha yeah Finn if you say so ! Answered Noah
- It was for the game guys. Said Caleb becoming more and more angry than he was.
- Yeah ! It was for the game. Said Sadie.
I hope she just said that so Caleb would calm down because I really enjoyed it. It was so intense.
We had to left since it was 11:50 p.m and we had to wake up early tomorrow. We said goodbye to Sadie and Millie and left to our caravans. I didn't spoke to Caleb when we was walking but I was able to remark that he was very angry.
"- So you enjoyed it ? Said Gaten when we were alone.
- What are you talking about ?
- The kiss with Sadie.
- It was just for the game, we are just friends.
- Come on Finn. You can't hide your feelings."
I blushed, what he said was so true but i answered that no, no i am not crushing on Sadie. And I can't do that to Caleb but i spent the night dreaming of that kiss.

Hey everyone ! Here I am with this new chapter hope you enjoyed reading it. I think i'll write the chapter 4 tomorrow or sunday. ♡

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