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"Birdie" I say with a big smile. Meet my new best friend. A.. bird.

The other kids thought I was a bit weird for having a bird as a best friend.. oh except this one girl! Her name is Sanaline and her mom makes really good food, so.. im her friend now. I looked down at the bird and softly began to sing la vie en rose, feeling like a mom. It's wing was starting to heal and that meant.. I have to say goodbye.

I laid my head on the pillow and closed my eyes, falling quickly asleep


The same dude I saw out in the garden, the pink haired dude. Was sitting on Lucien's bed.

I must be bat shit crazy, or insane. Angels doesn't exist..

The boy looked over at Lucien with a soft smile, his dimples showing. "I think I broke her" Lucien takes out the lollipop out of his mouth and points over to his brown dresser. "Good boy, take a lollipop" The boy happily stands up and takes a cherry flavoured lollipop out of the lollipop jar. He sits back down and I.. do the same. I don't really want to be in Lucien's room but, there is something about this pink haired boy that seems so familiar. Lucien raises his brow at me and leans even more into his stupid looking emo chair. "What are you doing?" He places the guitar on the floor and crosses his arms. I roll my eyes. "I'm not here for you, but for him" I point at the pink haired boy. It wasn't suppose to sound that mean. I'm trying to be the bigger person, a bit difficult when a prick named Lucien is breathing the same air as you.

"He's gay"

"I'm bi"

The two continued to talk, I didn't really know about what. I was studying the boy's face. It is a weird habit of mine.. and yes I know. Don't judge a book by it's cover.
Pink lips, curly pink hair and skin as white as snow. All I could do was stare at this boy and he stared back. His lips curled into a smile and i snapped back to reality. I placed a hand on his shoulder, I don't know why I did it, I just did. The boy flinched a bit as I touched his shoulder and I quickly removed it. Did i hurt him? I couldn't have.. I'm not that strong.

The boy must have read my stressed expression and started to laugh. "Don't worry, I broke my arm when I was like ten years old. I still flinch when someone touches my right arm"
An angel, that was i kept thinking when I saw his face. Before I could answer, Lucien grabbed my arm and dragged me out of his room. I managed to squeeze away from his tight grip. Show off..
"The bird.." I quietly says. My mind wasn't present. Why did he remind me of that bird...
"The fucking bird again, oh my god" Lucien folds his arms and leans in closer, his nose only a few centimeters away from mine. I didn't break eye contact with him, I didn't want Lucien to know I was nervous and a bit afraid. "If I hear one more story about your stupid bird, I will cut my ears off. Its gone Pink, dead" His harsh words went straight to my heart, and totally not in the good way. I opened my mouth to say anything but, i was too shocked. "Stay away from Blake AND my room, weirdo" Then he slams the door and left me to be alone and speechless.

3 pm

I rested my chin against my warm palm and stared out of the window.

I couldn't stop thinking about Blake and Lucien. Oh Lucien, he was getting on all my nerves. I'm losing brain cells because of that dip shit. I get so many strange vibes from him, I wouldn't be surprised if he was a psychopath.
I started to bite on my thumb as I continued to figure out this mystery.

"One caramel latte for Rosalina, that will be 4.99 miss" Sana puts down my cold ice coffee on the table and sits next to me. She started to scroll through instagram as she knew I was daydreaming again. Its a bad habit of mine.
"An angel" I look over at her "I saw an angel" She nods and starts to type something on her phone, the sound of her acryl nails tapping on the glass is making me feel uncomfortable .  She wasn't paying attention to her phone anymore, so I snatched it and huffs annoyingly at her. Sana sighs "I knew you were crazy, but this is just mad. You really gotta stop reading those fairy tales, you're starting to hallucinate"  Maybe it was a bit mad, but I know it was real. The feeling of the cold air gently hitting my face and the feeling of the green grass under my feet. It all felt so real, It has to be real.

Little birdieWhere stories live. Discover now