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400 years ago

"Rosetta!" The girl looked up from her notes, a bit annoyed as she was rudely interrupted. She looked up at the ceiling, watching the moon on the clear dark blue sky.

Blake flew over the floor, not wanting to step on the papers. Her office truly was a mess. Empty potion bottles, papers and books was spread out all around the room. Rosetta nods at the music nymphs as they fly away and out of the room. "Hello Blake" Rosetta greets the boy with a smile and gets a smile in return. A nice way of communication. Blake picks up the bottles and places them on the dark wood shelfs. "Everyone is looking for you, you know" Blake looks over at the girl with a smile. He always felt at peace in her office, looking out of the window, seeing the moon and the stars. It was aesthetically pleasing to him. Rosetta curse under her breath, forgetting about Sana's party. "I'll be honest with you Blake, I don't want to attend this party" She gently shakes her head, her wavy hair flying side to side. Rosa knew that she had to attend this party or she would get an earful from the queen. The girl looked up at the glass ceiling again, wishing she could just stay in her office, practicing on her magic spells. "I'll be right there, tell them to not worry" She tells Blake with a faint chuckle as she passes by him. How she already missed her moonlight.

Lucien on the other hand was roaming around the castle halls, waiting for his work partner. Cerebus was getting annoyed as his master was acting like a big airhead, but he didn't say a word. Lucien then stopped as someone caught his eye. A beautiful girl in a long blue dress and her wavy brown hair loose. Her cheeks pink as cherry blossoms with her signature half moon mark on both of her cheeks. "Hey Rose" He tries to fight his smile muscles but sadly for him, he loses. Lucien wraps his arm around the girl's shoulders, bringing her closer to him. Rosetta looks up at the devilishly handsome boy and smiles. "Well, well, well, if it isn't my partner in crime" She lets out a chuckle as she wraps her arms around his.

Cerebus looked over at the two, annoyingly eating his strawberries.

"I really don't want to attend this party, the queen has been a pain in the butt lately" Lucien chuckles. Rosetta sighs. She has been stressed enough with work , with her potions and just trying to impress the queen, but she knows she will never be enough. She knows she isn't Sanaline. "It is quite my fault that we are getting a lot of work lately" Rosetta says in a chuckle.

As they arrived the beautiful and well decorated ball, Rosa was getting anxious. Afraid to meet the queen and the king again. "Relax, my parents aren't that bad" Sana mumbled into her wine. Lucien and Rosetta looked over at each other, hesitating on Sanaline's words.

"I'm afraid" Rosetta says in a nervous tone. "I don't think my work is enough" She said, but Sana shrugged it off and continued to chug the wine down her throat. The horns were blown and all sound in the room disappeared. This made Rosetta even more anxious. Then the royals appeared, on top of the golden staircase. Everyone started to clap for them, the majesties. Rosetta stayed quiet as the lump in her throat grew even bigger. Then they started to walk down those golden stairs, music started to play again and the time went even faster. Sana bowed happily to her parents, excited to see them at her birthday party. "Mother, father" Sana stretched her hand out and gently grabbed her mothers hand. Sana was the princess of all goddesses, she ruled everyone by her parents side. Luckily for Rosetta, Sana wasn't as cruel as her mother. She thought..

"Rosetta, my dearest Rosetta" The king finally spoke, leaving his daughter's side. He wrapped his arms around the tiny girl, smiling proudly. After a few seconds, he finally broke the hug. "I am proud of the progress you have made in the past few months, I knew I could count on you" He chuckled happily. Sana looked over her shoulder, jealousy quickly taking over the girl as her father was always praising Rosetta for her work. "Dad!" Sana launched herself onto her father, dragging him towards the balcony. "Let's open up some of the presents, maybe you'll like some of them" And by that, Rosetta was alone by the wine table. Blake and Lucien had left her to do some bromance moments, she don't know. They were talking about white doves.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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