Chapter 18.

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Time: 3:44am.


"Kenny, Kenny! Pai!" Davi mumbled.

I got a fright when I heard Davi. He must've been having a nightmare. I opened my eyes and checked the time, 3:44am?! I yawned.

"I'm sorry Kendall." Neymar whispered.

I rolled on the side of the bed so I could see him. He held Davi tightly in his arms.

"It's okay, poor baby, is he okay?" I started to stroke Davi's hair. Beautiful blonde curly hair he had.

"Yeah, I think he had a bad dream." He kissed Davi's forehead.


"Go back to sleep." He held my hand and then let go smiling.

"Hmm no, I'm wide awake now." I sat up rubbing my eyes.

"Sorry again." He pouted.

"Haha it's okay, uhm you feeling better?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yeah thanks. In the future I won't sing Ariana Grande." He winked.

"I love her music." I pulled my tongue out.

"I like Sam Smith!" He winked.

"Sing for me?" I blushed.

"NO!" He started laughing.

"Please bub." I pouted.

"Do you want me to vomit again?" He was straight faced.

"Come on, you sing for all your friends. Sing for me?" I smiled.

"Oh won't you, staaaaaaay with me, cos your alllllll i need." He sang with passion. And loud passion!

"Okay Shh, Davi is sleeping!" I giggled.

"Who else do you like?" He smiled.

"Uh I like Justin Bieber-"

"Ugh please, he is so gay!" Neymar started laughing.

"He is not!" I protested.

"Haha, what else do you like?"

"I like watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians.." I smirked.

"Ugh please, why are they even famous?!" He laughed.

"Do you really want me to tell you?" I was straight faced.

"Uh actually nah, I'm chilled. Kim sounds like such a drama queen." He laughed.

"I love Scott Disick. He is the definition of sexy!" I giggled to myself.

"Baby please, this is the definition of sexy." He pointed to himself with a smirk on his face.

"Oh dear Neymar. So uh what are we gonna do now? It's almost four in the morning.." I yawned again.

"Kendall, go to bed. You know you're tired, I'll be fine being awake alone!" He smiled.

"You sure?" I leaned in and kissed his cheek.

"Yep." He winked.

I closed my eyes and immediately fell asleep.


Time: 9:12am.

I woke up with an awful feeling in my neck. I probably slept in a bad position. When I sat up I saw that Neymar and Davi weren't here. I jumped out of bed and walked towards the lounge when I saw Davi watching television while Neymar was fast asleep on the couch.

"Morning baby." I opened my arms to Davi and he jumped in.

"Hiiii Kenny, Pai is sleeping." He started laughing.

"I see that sweetie, should we wake him?" I laughed.

"Yes, let's prank Pai!" He started laughing.

Hmm, what should we do to make this funny? I didn't just want to wake him, I wanted him to feel embarrassed.. Ah dear.

I went into the kitchen and searched for something. The Nutella immediately caught my eyes. Oooh let's put chocolate on his face. If only we had a dog that we could use to lick it off Ney's face.

I took the Nutella and brought out my 'artistic' skills. I drew a heart on Neymar's cheek while Davi took a huge blob of Nutella and put it on Neymar's nose.

"Mmmmhmm." Neymar mumbled. His eyes were still closed.

I took a picture of him with Davi next to him. They were so cute.

I put it on Instagram and captioned it: "Wake up sleepyhead.😪💙 @NeymarJr 🍦 #MyBoys #DaviCanBeSoEvilSometimes😂🍉."

I got up and made Davi some Coco Pops, immediately after that I went to take a shower.

The shower was amazingly warm. I loved hot water. Hot anything actually.. Hot days, hot water, hot guys.. Haha!

I changed into booty shorts and a tight crop top. I wore black vans with it. I let my hair loose with its curls and I did very light make up.

"Is daddy still sleeping?" I walked into the lounge and saw that Neymar was on his phone.

"Well morning Kendall." He said sarcastically. His face was cleaned from the Nutella.

"Morning sleepyhead." I leaned in and kissed him on the lips softly.

"Eew." Davi said as he ran away with his eyes closed.

"Ah, would you mind telling me why I had chocolate on my face?!" He smirked.

"It was your son's idea." I winked.

"Whatever." He did a sly wink.

"Couldn't you fall asleep?"

"No, as soon as you fell asleep I was wide awake so I thought I would watch some tv.. I fell asleep after That." He giggled.

"Let's go to the pool today?" I winked.

"Uh.." He looked uncertain.

"What's wrong, can't you swim?" I had sarcasm in my voice.

"Not that I can't, I just hate swimming." He winked.

"Please please pleaaaase." I pouted.

"Ugh fine, let's go." He smiled.

"Go get ready first onesie boy." I smirked.


Sorry it's short,I'm just really tired haha. I'll upload some more later.🍓🍓

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