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I hear the sounds of the ocean, nothing else for miles. The moon is like a spotlight shining on the water creating a path of light. I feel the ground and the sand under me like I'm moving, but I'm not. I see nothing but endless sea and it's waves crashing back and forth like a dance but it's like it can't decide what it wants. The ocean is giving off what sounds like buzzing, but it's so soothing. It's like when you hear a certain sound that you've known your whole life but just can't place it. The sand is everywhere, it's so soft and comfortable. It's cold, but it's so relaxing to just let it run through your hands. I feel comfortable and at peace. You can scream and no one would acknowledge you, it's like you can let out all of the pain you've been holding in and the thoughts that have been sitting with you and not have a care. Here, you can be at peace. I'm not tired, but I feel like I could lay here and rest for an eternity processing everything around me. I haven't felt like this in so long. For once, it feels like I'm in control. Not my overwhelming sadness or anxiety, it's just me in control. It's like my mind is giving me a chance to breathe and truly be the center of whatever it is that I really am.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2019 ⏰

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