Chapter 1

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(Y/n) got out of the car and looked at the massive mansion. However, there wasn't much time to look. A major thunderstorm started at that moment. She ran toward the door and knocked.

" Hello? Anyone in there?"

No one answered. It was extremely quiet in the house. She knocked again. This time, the door opened but no one was behind it. It was an empty corridor. She stepped into the hall and looked around. It was extremely dark. The only light came from the lightning outside.

"Um, hello? Is anyone home?"

Her voice echoed in the large hall. The quiet was almost haunting. She looked to the left and thought she saw a foot. As she moved closer, she found that someone was sleeping there. He was handsome. His reddish-brown hair was a disheveled mess. She looked at him.


No response. She lightly touched his hand and found that his skin was cold to the touch. She listened for a heartbeat, only to find that there wasn't one. He had absolutely no heart beat. She began to freak out, thinking he was dead. She pulled out her phone but before she pushed a button, it was snatched from her hand. The boy sat up and looked at her with seemingly cold lime-green eyes. Her phone was now in his extremely pale hand.

"W..who are you?"

The boy's green eyes took on a slightly lustful look. He pulled her up onto the couch and pinned her down. A smirk graced his lips as he licked the side of her neck. He almost had his fangs in her neck when they were interrupted.

"Ayato, keep activities like that to your room."

"Awe, Reiji. You're no fun."

The new person stood tall and looked down at the pair on the couch. His crimson eyes looked at the red-head and then at (y/n). He studied the girl.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

"I'm (f/n)(l/n). I was told that I'd be living here."

"What? This is the first I've heard of this."

The two boys lead her down the hall to a little living room. She sat on the couch. Ayato sat on a chair near the door but near her. Reiji stayed standing in front of her. He was thoughtful for a moment. Two others entered the room.

"What do we have here, a little lost lamb?"

"She smells so sweet."

One of the two had messy reddish-brown hair that he wore a fedora over. His green eyes looked down at her in curiosity. The other had lavender hair and pale purple eyes. He had a stuffed bear that had an eye patch over it's left eye. They stood behind her. The brunette licked her ear.

"Mm. Tastes good."

The other looked at her. He was interested in what his brother had said. He licked behind her ear. To him, she tasted sweet. Good thing he liked sweet things.

"So sweet."

"Laito, Kanato. Back away from the girl for a moment."

The two looked up at Reiji, taking a step back from (y/n). Kanato stood, holding his bear and watching what was taking place. (Y/n) looked around at the four boys in the room. It was unnerving.

"Now, explain to me what you said earlier."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"What did you say earlier? In the hall?"

(Y/n) looked around at the four boys, thinking about something. The four watched her, amused by the human girl. She seemed anxious.

"I was told I'd be living here from now on."

Love Bites: Ayato Sakamaki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now