Chapter 2

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Cornwall, England

Jennie POV

England was an excellent choice to disappear to, I mused.

I've been staying in this secluded part of England for six year now since I left Seoul. I tried to keep low profile by keeping to myself,only going out to the nearest village if necessary.

To keep human contact to a minimum, I had to arranged for mg supplies to be delivered at my doorstep and paid for my necessities in cash.

On my first month of staying in England, I was sad and lonely. I missed Lisa so much and not seeing her was killing me. I always keep myself busy to overcome my loneliness. And because my hobby is painting, I try to release everything I feel to all my paintings.

As I approached my sixth month, my pregnancy became obvious. From the outset, I must've looked like a struggling soon-to-be single mom. The few villagers whom I met took my presence at face value. They didn't pry and kept their distance. I don't trust people at hand, specially that I'm alone in foreign in this country.

A fee months passed before I felt secure enough to lower my guard a bit, venturing to the village once a week to see the village doctor for my pre-natak check ups.

During my last visit,my doctor cautioned me to take extra care of my health. "Your pressure is a bit up, my dear." Dr. Collins remarked after checking my vitals. I was visibly alarmed when I heard her, but the doctor tried to pacify my fears right away.

"It's gestational hypertension. Sometimes it happens to women who are in the latter stage of their pregnancy."

"Will it affect my babies?" I anxiously asked.

The lady doctor gave me a direct look. "Normally, gestational hypertension will not cause problems for your baby when managed and treated promptly. What we need to do is monitor your blood pressure constantly so that it does not turn to pregnancy-induced hypertension."

"Isn't that... eclampsia?" I said with dread.

"No. But it may lead to that if unchecked. If untreated, it can lead to low birth rate, premature delivery and worse, there is a risk of you and the baby dying."

I turned pale on what I heard.

The doctor quickly allayed my fears. "As I've said, we need to take steps to make sure you and the babies remain healthy."

The doctor continued to explain what foods to eat and what to avoid and prescribed me with new vitamins and supplements.

Since then, I've been extra careful with what I ate. I cut my sugar intake, so I only indulged in my food cravings every two weeks. I have to make sure the babies safe, that I will deliver them healthy. I have to and I need to... if only for Lisa.

I stop reminiscing when I already reached my destination. I dropped by in my favorite coffee shop to buy some pastries.

"Here you go, missus." The coffeeshop attendant handed me the éclairs I bought while smiling sweetly.

"Thanks." I responded while giving her the payment.

"You want any hot beverage to go with that?" She asked.

"Uhm... thank you, but no." I declined, still smiling as I turned to leave, walking towards my car parked just outside the shop.

I turned on the engine and started to maneuver my car. I'm on my way to Robin's Nest, I've been living on that cottage for the passed six years.

The cottage was originally a 19th century granite barn. It was converted and restored by it's former owner, a reclusive local artist, who sold the property to me.

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