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Juliette's POV

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Juliette's POV

I laid my head against the cool glass, watching tentatively. The drops of water slowly trailed down the window, eventually disappearing and in my depressive state, they were mesmerizing. I was probably one hell of a view, teary red eyes, wet lashes stuck together, cheeks stained by tears, my dark hair a mess from running a hand through it, my gaze melancholy as I stared transfixed out the window, wearing a large sweater and sweats that made my petite form appear smaller as I sat curled up on the cushioned window seat. I hadn't noticed it before but I had lost weight over the past week while cooped up in my room, my appetite faded along with my happiness.

Nikolai's angered expression was all I saw every time I closed my eyes, it was impossible to rid myself of the image no matter how much I tried. I had been angry, it was his fault I was unhappy, scared, and alone now. I didn't find any sort of connection with him whatsoever, perhaps I could convince him to find someone more fit to be his wife. He was a powerful, hot headed man and yet he wanted a stubborn weak human girl like me, it couldn't be hard to convince him to find a woman worthy of his companionship.

However, the more I thought about it, I wouldn't blame any woman who wouldn't dare to take my place. He was a monstrous, blood lust vampire. Certainly he was easy on the eyes but he was far from being gentle or kind, especially to humans. I had only seen a glimpse of him being kind, that day he spent with me and didn't hurt me but stories and rumors of his past that Agnes or Norah hardly told me had reminded me just how brutal he really was.

I let out a choked sob, banging a fist against the window angrily. Why did it have to be me stuck here, unwillingly bound to marry Nikolai Kline? By now, he must want to hurt me for my refusal to marry him. I felt paranoid and terrified at the thought of him stalking me, breathing down my back until I agreed to become his bride. I couldn't, I wouldn't stand to be his wife, I can't do this anymore. That's why I am running away.

I thought about it over the past few days alone, it sounded so pleasant and unpleasant. I wonder what my life would be like if Jasper would have never kidnapped me in the first place. I would have walked home like any other normal teenage girl. Sure, I would be walking into a broken home where my parents hated me and were ashamed of me but I had freedom then. My heart clenched painfully at my thoughts. I remember that night, they were angry with me and my mother said they never wanted to see me back again. They were probably happy I was gone out of their lives. No one really cared if I was gone.

What would Agnes think? Norah? What if I still ran away, would they be sad? Would jasper make sure they were nourished and safe from Nikolai? I shook my head at my thoughts. I could always run away and find help to get them out of here.

Who am I kidding, I couldn't tell them I was leaving. I couldn't tell a soul. If anyone else knew or found out, Nikolai would possibly hurt them. I couldn't bare the thought of him hurting Agnes or Norah because of me. I had to get out of this room or I would seriously go insane. I had to stop crying, I needed a distraction from someone or something.

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