Video time at the park

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orange pear marshmallow plum and grapefruit were all at the park. Marshmallow was talking to grapefruit, orange and plum were sitting wall talking, and pear was setting up equipment. Plum looked at pear "should I help him?" "Who?" Orange asked, plum continued "pear, I feel like I should help him..." Orange replied "getting your kindness get the better of you? I thought that stopped a long time Ago" orange said not even surprised at plum, plum looked at him annoyed "you know how I am, let's not forget I know a lot of things about you" she smirked. Orange looked confused but then realized what she met and started blushing "f you dude" orange said flustered "lol, anyways got any weird dreams to tell muah before I leave?" Plum said "well just one... or two..." orange replied. "Lemme hear them" plum said, orange looked more red then before "well one of them I can't say... out loud" orange whispered plum thought about it and got some ideas what the dream was about and kinda fangirled inside "well alrighty, how about the other one?" She pressed on, orange started "well let's see... all I remember is hearing weird language and I asked what then woke up" plum looked confused "strange language? Like what?" Orange shrugged, he couldn't make it out. "Oh ok... ima go help pear but you try looking up the meaning k?" Plum said walking away to help pear "sure whatever" orange said, he never believed that dreams reflected a person emotions

Orange x pear ( because I can ) Where stories live. Discover now