Night Time Terrors

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Warning: this chapter might contain elements that some people might find disturbing, you have been warned

Orange was in the kitchen talking with his friends talking like normally when Grapefruit made a rather harsh joke about orange "ya know if I didn't know better I'd say orange is pretty idiotic" oranges friends started laughing, orange felt hurt but tried laughing it off with the others until little apple spoke up "and ya know what? Orange has a pretty annoying laugh" the others started laughing but it sounded off, it sounded like them but at the same time it sounded off. Orange tried smiling to hide the fact he felt bad "I don't mean to be rude but orange is really really really really REALLY weird, sometimes I think he's crazy" marshmallow said with a giggle, the others started laughing but it was louder. Orange could feel the laughter pulsating in his head, he tried shaking the feeling off but the pulsating laugh just started to feel like throbbing "I wonder what it would be like if orange just disappeared?" Plum said with a grin "probably a lot better!" Grapefruit said with a a big smile, the room filled up with laughter once again, orange looked away tears forming in his eyes when pear spoke up "Sometimes I wonder why orange doesn't just disappear from the face of this earth" orange felt a stab in his heart as pear said that, the tears started falling form oranges face, little apple looked at orange and smiled "looks like someone can't take a joke" the others looked at orange smiling "don't be a baby, we're joking" plum said with a harsh tone "I mean it would be cool if orange was gone" Grapefruit said when marshmallows flicked his leg and said "not in front of the baby" orange covered his mouth trying to keep his wines in, he ran out of the kitchen and into the bathroom as he heard distant laughter. Orange looked into the mirror trying to wipe the tears away, when he finished he looked into the mirror and sighed. When orange blinked he was no longer in his bathroom but in his parents restroom, he wore a black and purple hoodie and he was filled to the brim with cuts on his arms and neck. Orange gasped and took a step back, he saw the same demon from little apples place appear right behind orange his head cocked to the side in the reflection. Orange looked behind him and the demon was gone. Orange walked out of the bathroom into the small dimmed hall way, he looked to the left to see his parents bed room with the lights off, he looked to the right to see his dad infront of the door in the living room. Orange became wide eye and anger bubbled up inside him, orange ran to his dad and tried to punch him but his dad appeared right behind him, orange turned around trying to punch his dad again only to see his dad at the corner of his eyes, this played on for what seemed like hours until orange was tired and out of breath. He looked up to his dad standing infront of him "why..." orange whispered "WHY!" He screamed at his dad, rage in his voice "WHY ARE YOU HERE!?" He screamed louder "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" Oranges hand bottled up into a fist "WHY DONT YOU FIGHT BACK!?" Orange screamed at the top of his lunges "WHY DIDN'T YOU COME BACK?! WHY DID YOU LEAVE?! WHY DIDN'T YOU AT LEAST SAY GOODBYE OR GIVE US AN EXPLANATION!?" Oranges voice became shaky as tears formed in his eyes, Orange dad looked away with the face of guilt. Oranges Hands fell right beside him and he looked down at his dads feet "why did you leave me?"

Orange opened his eyes to the ceiling feeling tears falling from the sides of his head, he tried to Move but couldn't for some reason, orange tried to move with all of his might but couldn't move at all. In the corner of his eye he saw the same demon from his dream walking to the feel of his bed, orange started shaking and tried to scream for help but failed. The demon crawled on top of orange and as he did orange could hear whispering and growls from all around his room saying horrid things like worthless, you don't matter, you don't deserve to live, you can't do anything right, you don't belong anywhere
Orange eyes began to tear up again making his eye sight blurry, as the demon came closer the whispers became worse and louder until they sounded like screaming. The demons face was right above Oranges face, orange started hyperventilating as one of the demons nails slowly move down Oranges face leaving a scratch mark behind. The creatures mouth turned into a crooked smile as his hand hovered above Oranges chest, orange felt a stabbing feeling in his chest casing his eyes to squint tears falling smiling from his eyes as the creatures nails dug into the red haired boy and scratched his chest blood flowing out of oranges now bleeding chest.
Orange sat up screaming as loud as he could when Pear ran into his room
This chapter is already long so I'm going to stop it here
Also there is a deep meaning within the Dream and I'm wondering if anyone could get it :)

Orange x pear ( because I can ) Where stories live. Discover now