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I couldn't put in a seal tail

I couldn't put in a seal tail

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Name: Selkie

Personality: gloomy and sweet

Origin: Irish

Appearance: Light skin. Star tattoos. Seal tail. (I couldn't put in a seal tail)

Eyes: brown

Hair: long, dark brown and covers her left eye.

Clothes: pink Pearl necklace, pink Pearl headband. Fire-themed dress

Home: Underwater cave

Information: Selkies are gentle creatures who live their lives as seals in the water and she'd their skin to become human on land, but they're frequently equated with Mermaids because of gaelic stories They're associated with Maighdeannmhara or like 'Maid of the Sea.' Selkie legends usually end in tragedy; the folktales almost inevitably feature a Selkies sealskin getting stolen and the Selkie getting married and having children with a human, only to later find it's old sealskin and get called back to sea.

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