Chapter 5

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A/N: Dr. Ryans (Ryan Gosling) is in the pic above, but I won't put him in the character's list because he isn't a main character.

Enjoy :) 

I was already on my way to my car when I suddenly remembered the deal. I turned and headed to the boys locker room. I didn't see the point in meeting somewhere when we had already...made-out. 

I looked around to make sure the coast was clear before walking into the boys' locker room. I heard the door lock and turned around to see Ty. He looked smug as he walked toward me. 

"What do you want?" I snapped. 

He smirked and dropped his pants. "Suck me." He said, getting straight to the point. 


"You heard me." 

"No. No. This is not worth it. Not at all. I'm done. You can tell Ryder everything. I don't care anymore. I'm just...not doing this." I shook my head, gesturing toward his exposed bottom half. I was fed up with him. 

"I thought you might say that..." He said, the smirk still on his face. He looked at me for a moment before he pushed me into the lockers and got in my face. "I'm not really in your pack. I'm with the Midnight Pack." 

"You're with our enemy?" I was baffled, even more than when he pushed me. The Midnight Pack were our sworn enemies. They were vicious and didn't care for anything but power and money. 

"Yes, I am. And if you don't do what I say whenever I say it, I'll order them to kill Ryder and that little mate of yours." 

I gasped. If the Midnight Pack was sent out to do a job, they didn't care who it was to; only that they got the money. They didn't come back until the job was done and no one had ever escaped them except for Kady and her mom. They were once on the run from them and they got away, but the Midnight Pack got her father and practically brain washed him. He was now the Beta of their pack. I didn't believe it because it sounded crazy, but when we went to battle with them, he and Devon, the Alpha, were calling all of the shots. 

"You can't do that." 

"Oh, I can and I will. And don't even think about telling anyone what I just told you. I'll just send them after you and whoever you tell." He was smiling but as serious as could be. Then he backed out of my face. "Go on, then. Get on your knees." 

I was scared so I did the only thing I could do. I got down on my knees and sucked him. 

"Good choice." He moaned. He grabbed my head and pushed himself further into my mouth. 

I felt like puking. This was so much worse than Ryder finding out about my mate. This didn't even compare. And my hate for Ty didn't compare to ANYTHING. 

"I'm gonna..." Ty began. 

I grimaced, knowing what was coming next. It shot into my mouth; warm and a lot. I was beyond disgusted. 

"Swallow." He told me and I did as he said. 

I got up from the floor and wiped his cum from mouth and the tears in my eyes; I hadn't even realized I was crying. 

"That wasn't too bad, was it?" He narrowed his eyes when I didn't answer right away. 

I shook my head. "No, it wasn't." I lied. 


I walked into the pack house feeling sick to my stomach. 

"Where have you been for the past half hour?" Ryder yelled as soon as he saw me. 

My Overprotective Best Friend and my Abusive Teacher MateWhere stories live. Discover now