Chapter 6

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A/N: I am soooooooooo so so so so sorry it took me so long. I've just been really busy! Anyways, enjoy!

Another pic of Riya ^^^^^ 

"Get. Off. Of. Her." Ryder spat out.  

Dr. Ryans looked alarmed. "I-"  


"Ryder, calm down! He just tripped!"  

"I find that a little hard to believe, considering you're both shirtless and on a bed!" He yelled.  

"My foot is stuck." Dr. Ryans whispered to me.  

"Shit." I said aloud. I moved around, trying to get out of under him. It was no use. I was a marshmallow and he was cinder-block. Plan B: stalling. "Now this may look really bad, but he only took off his shirt because my shoulder was bleeding. So, as you can see, it's really no big deal and... um..."  

Ryder narrowed his eyes. "Then why hasn't he moved yet?"  


"He what?"  

"He..." Dr. Ryans freed his leg and picked himself up. "He has moved." I finished.  

Ryder looked annoyed as I reached for another shirt. I opened my dresser and pulled out a t-shirt. I try to put it on before realizing that I couldn't do it. Dr. Ryans began walking over to help me but Ryder stopped him.  

"I wouldn't want you to accidentally 'trip' again and rape Riy-"  

"Ryder, stop! That's enough! Not everyone in the world is out to get me! You don't have to hate every guy that comes near me! Eventually I'm going to get a boyfriend and you're going to have to deal with it!" With that said, I grabbed my things and left my room. Yeah, I know, MY room. As I was walking down the hallway, though, I was pulled into a dark room. There was no question who my captor was; Ty.  

"Can't I just have one day without you on my case, without me having to do something to keep you happy? Can't you just allow me one day without misery?" I asked calmly.  

"What are you talking about?"  

I froze. It wasn't Ty, it was Diego. "I just meant...I..."  

"I only wanted to apologize. Riya, who did you think I was?"  

I looked away. I knew where this was going.  

"If someone is trying to hurt you, you can tell me. You NEED to tell me."  

I shook my head. "No, no, I can't. I just- I can't. I'm sorry, but it's for the best."  

He looked annoyed at my shadiness. "Why do you keep hiding things from me? You know, most people can't bear to lie to their mate-"  


"-because the guilt consumes them and...I just need you to trust me."  

I scoffed. "Why the hell would I do that? You are the most deceitful person I have ever met! You act a certain way in front of people, but when we're alone you suddenly forget how to control your temper! It's like you don't even care whether or not you hurt me! Just as long as no one knows about it, right?" I laughed bitterly. Then I said three of the six words no one wants to hear from their mate. "I hate you."  The other three being 'I reject you'. But I wasn't going to reject him just yet. 

He looked taken aback by my words. Then his eyes turned black, not what I expected. "How dare you? How dare you speak to me like that? I am your Alpha and your mate! You will treat me with respect!"  

My Overprotective Best Friend and my Abusive Teacher MateWhere stories live. Discover now