Dead or Alive

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Karas POV
I heard Lena sobbing beside me and it broke my heart. I wanted nothing more than to hug her and tell her how much I loved her and wanted to spend my life with her. There was the biggest possibility she didn't feel the same but I had to tell her. I was really and truly head over heels for her. She held my hand and I managed to curl my fingers around her.
I tightened my grip and I heard her let out a happy sob. I slowly opened my eyes and was aware to the mask over my face and sunlamps all around me.
She called Alex in and they detached me from all the wires. I had to stay under the sunlamps for a bit longer as I hadn't fully 'recharged'. I sat up slowly and wiped away the tears that had escaped Lena's eyes.
"Lena. I have to say something."
"It could change our friendship and you may not feel the same but I have to say it. I love you, lena. I have for a long time. Since the first time I walked into your office to interview you with Clark. I want to spend my life by your side."
I watched her face trying to grab her reaction but she didn't show any emotions.
"Kara. I. I love you too."
"You do?"
"Of course I do! I mean, who wouldn't."
I placed my hand on her cheek and slowly closed the gap between us. I closed my eyes and connected my lips with hers. A thousand emotions ran through my body, each second feeling like a thousand sparks were going off. She placed her tongue on the edge of my lips and our tongues fought for dominance. I pulled away gasping for breath.
"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that for." I said out of breath.
"Well then. Kara Danvers. Would you like to be my girlfriend?"
"I would love nothing more."

———— time skip ————

We were all soon sat around Felicity's bed at the DEO. Her and Oliver were on the bed while of us stood and sat around.
"So Lena, you and Kara?" Barry said smirking.
I slapped his shoulder but laughed along with everyone else.
"We are dating." Lena said smiling.
The chatter soon picked up.
"Hay kara." Felicity called
"Remember the first time we met you?"
"Oh yeah." I said remembering my first time on earth 1.
"How have I never heard of this?" Alex asked.
"It's was after the medusa fiasco. A bunch of dominators came to Earth one and Barry asked for my help to fight them."
"If I remember correctly. Sara thought and I quote after someone called you a badass 'it's kind of hot." Oliver laughed.
"Wait what?" I asked turning to Sara.
"What? It was!" She defended.
We all laughed. It felt nice to laugh with them all.
"Well I'm glad my daughter has such amazing friends." Mom laughed.
"Not to burst your bubble but lex and some Natzis are down the road. Want to fight?" J'onn said.
Everyone stood up and quickly got changed into hero suits. Lena, Maggie, felicity And Iris all got changed into outfits like Alex's. We walked down next to each other ready to take lex down once and for all. Once we arrived the Natzis started to attack immediately. They were definitely stronger, but not strong enough. With 3 kryptonians and many other hero's the battle was won in no time. I looked over and saw Lena with a gun held at lex. Someone went to run over to her but I stopped them. I trusted her and knew she would do what was right. Lex said something to her and she just laughed before shooting him in the leg and shoulder just like he had done to her.
"Want to bet?"
She put the gun in her pocket and walked away while the DEO took him away. It soon started to rain but we stood there laughing finally happy and together.
"I guess this is where we say goodbye." Sara said sadly.
"Come and visit anytime." Lena said from by my side.
"Same for you." Felicity said.
The portal opened and we all said our goodbyes  before they walked through. I stood with my arm around Lena. Alex stood next to us her arm around Maggie and I smiled.
"Let's go home."
We turned to walk back. Even though I knew it was over I still couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. Little did any of us know, things were about to get a hell of a lot worse. But for that one moment we could be ourselves. We could be happy.

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