First ask :^

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ASC: Hey guys, we got first question and it is to you, Nightmare.

Nightmare:*groans* Alright, what these mortals want?

Dream: B-brother! Not so rude.

Nightmare: Shut up! You're lucky, I can't attack you.

ASC: Alright, I'll continue.
So, this ask is from Nyehhehheh122 and question is: Hold up. What AU are you from, Nightmare?😕

Nightmare: Umm, are you dumb or what? I live in the castle in my and Dream destroyed AU "DreamTale"

Cross: Senpai, calm.down, they didn't deserve you anger~

Nightmare: One more word and you won't be able to speak nor move for a mouth, understood?

Cross:*gulp* o-ok...

X-Chara: Ha, your boyfriend dinamed you, lmao))

Cross: STFU, or I will eat white chocolate

X-Chara: You're monster...

ASC: Well, this is all. We didn't have more questions. But I hope, we will get more in future

Sci: So ask us

Fell: or dare)

Everyone: Untill next time!

Ask and dare AU Sanses :^Where stories live. Discover now