Crushes :)

41 2 7

ASC: Hey guys, we have an ask!

Dream: Finally! It was hard to wait.

Nightmare: Somehow, I got bored without them too

Sci: Well, what is it?

ASC: Well, it's from MrsStabby
and asker asks: Hello everyone! I would like to ask if there are any crushes around? I hope for one ship that never appears in ask and dare books ;w;-

Cross: ...
._. Are you srs?

Nightmare: H-hell no, I won't answer this!

ASC: N-nu pwease?:3

Nightmare: No -_-

ASC: What about this?:3*brings here a kitty*

Nightmare: C-cat?! *scares like shit and rans away* G-get this furry bag of kindness away. I'll answer!

Killer:*appears* Ha! Didn't thought you're scared of cats, boss :D

Nightmare: *Slams Killer with tentacle* STFU!

ASC: Okay, to make it comfortable, you will answer take turns. And in the locked room alone, so no one hears you, but only askers, ok?

Sci: S-sure

Outer: Seems fun :)

Classic: Meh...

ASC: Well, First will be -^-


Nightmare: Shit! Ok!

*Nightmare went from the corner and slowly enters the room. He went from the door, and sighed*

Nightmare: I can't feel love. Only attachment. For nof, even Cross didn't get it, but truly, his calling "senpai ~" gets me annoyed and ... Satisfied? I dunno...

*Nightmare sighs and went away, from this room. Next is Ink*

Ink: Erm, I'm unemotional. I feel only when I have my dye. But truly, I feel like I get attached by Error. Dunno why though...


Fell: *blushes* I c-cant choose between n-nerd and c-classic >w<


Classic: *whispers* Fell ;)


Sci: I like Outer, but i'm scared, that my feelings can be only cause of his AU. Like, you saw how many stars he see every day? Or this planet? But on the other side, he is so calm, hwe understand each other and we like share puns.


Cross: I like Senpai~ :D

X-Chara: Just say, tgat you make it only for annoying him)

Cross: Well, his reaction is funny XD


Horror: Maybe Dust?...


Dust: H-horror...


Blue: I like everyone, cuz they are my friends :D


Lust: I like make everyone scared about me)
But... Smth in Blue seems strange for me.


Dream: None. I'm not sure, at least.


Killer: D-dream...


Error: NoNe!


Outer: I spend so much time with Sci and happy with him. Does this count?


ASC: Well, there is only Dance and Katana left.. Wait.. Where are they?

Nightmare: I dunno...

Most of the sanses: we too!

Blue: I saw them walk on a roof holding hands :)

Sci: Oh~

ASC: Aw hell yea! 1st our ship OWO

Nightmare: Ok, I think we should end this chapter.

ASC: Oh yea. Ask us

Cross: Or dare

Everyone: Until next time!

Ask and dare AU Sanses :^Where stories live. Discover now