Chapter 1: Destroya

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June's POV:

A slight autumn breeze blew over the city of Gotham. It wasn't calm, trust me, Gotham has been turned into a shit show filled with crime. A helicopter whirled by the building I was perched on, a spot light flashing down to the darkened streets. I looked out to the city as I call my home. I smirked "this place gets worse and worse everyday." I muttered as the nighttime breeze blew through my penny colored hair. The static echo of my ear piece rang into my right ear. "Heh, about time Nightwing." I heard his laugh through the light distorted audio.

"Hey, sorry!" Nightwing replied, concentrating on typing on his other end.

"Ok, so where exactly is he?" I asked, standing up from my spot to get a view over the area and the street below me.

"Sending you the coordinates now", he breathed lightly. The static rang again. I looked at the projector located on my right arm as the coordinates graphed themselves. I scoffed where they led me, rolling my eyes.

"The Gotham national bank? Typical." I let out a clear grunt of annoyance  before the holograph vanished off my arm.

“So do you need help with this one?” Nightwing asked me as I replied back honestly.

“No, I think I’ll be fine, he doesn't seem that much of a threat.”

I heard another chuckle from him on his end. "Ok good."

I put my sword behind my back, looking down at the city below my feet.

"June," Nightwing started, a tone of concern lacing his voice. "Be careful out their."

I laughed, adjusting my mask. "When aren't I?"

I could feel him rolling his eyes from our HQ.

"Yeah, right. Nightwing out." Was the last thing he said before signing out.

I took a heavy breath in before spreading out my arms and taking a leap of faith off the roof, my eyes calmy shut as I started to fall from the building with the wind pushing on my body, my air flowing back... Slowly I took my breath out before landing a roll on the second roof down, running and sliding over exposed air ducts before jumping over to the next roof to another building. I kept the pace up, using ladders and different ledges to my own advantage. Diving down I landed on the roof of the bank, prying a roof window open to sneak in from above. I perched and waited as the alarm was going off, red and blue lights coming from the distance. Down below was a group of mindless thugs, a few carrying bags of cash with one hitting the alarm with a crowbar to shut it off. In the middle was Jervis Tetch, giving and yelling orders to the mindless thugs. A kooky bastard but managable from what I’ve seen. I sighed and cracked my knuckles before standing at the ledge of where I was perched. “Alright, let's get this over with so I can go home. Episode 5 of The Umbrella Academy on Netflix and I wanna relax." I took a sigh in before jumping down to the floor, looking over to The Mad Hatter. “So uh, hey! My name is Red Phoenix and I'm just gonna be fighting you now if that is ok with you-.” he looked over to myself before laughing and hopping down from where he was, tapping his wooden walking stick onto the ground and tipping his hat.

“Well, welcome to the show then, Red.” he had told me in a antagonizing voice with a long thin grin. “ But, I am Afraid," he took a long, dramatic pause. Typical villain dialogue! Drag the speech longer to make yourself sound more menacing. "That is not going to happen.” He said through the devilish smirk before snapping his fingers, the mindless thugs turning their way to myself. I guess this is going to go down easier than I expected. One of the thugs fired off a gun which turned into complete chaos, myself running and jumping all around to dodge bullets for dear life. “Y’know, Jervis! Controlling random poor people for your own bidding is just pathetic!” he glared over before one of the thugs punched me down when I was off my guard. The Mad Hatter put his hat back down before walking over and drawing his long barreled revolver.

“And you talk to much.” he mutters before cocking the gun.

“Do I talk to much? I didn’t really notice that much. Maybe I should go back home and ask my parents about talking to much and then get back to you after?”. I swiftly kicked down Hatter before standing and pulling out my phone, dieling. “Hello? Bat daddy? I'm here at the bank and being shot and I was told I talk to much by The mad Hatter. He says I talk to much! Can you believe that? Yes, I said The Mad Hatter! Would you like to speak with him real quick? No? Wait hold on!” I put the phone down to look at Hatter as he got off the ground. “Would you like to speak with him, Jervis?” He just glared and shot his gun as I ucked and picked my phone backup to my ear. “Nope, he doesn't want to talk to you. Well! Gotta go now!” Swiftly, I put my phone back into my pocket before pulling my two batons out, clicking them together that created a staff before two dagger blades extend from the ends.

“Its party time!" I sang as I charged at Jervis with a adrenaline rush, twirling the double bladed staff.

ervis sucked in his teeth and kept shooting at me desperately, the rest of the thugs all knocked out and tied up. I squealed and ducked behind my blade, making the bullets deflect. "Hey!" I called out, looking back from behind my blades. "Didn't your mother ever teach you not to shoot a lady, or were you to tied up in obsessing over your silly book to listen!?" I asked projecting myself from the nearest wall to my left, launching myself into his back and keeping him down with my blade pierced into the floor beside his hand. His gun knocked out of his hands and spinning away from him on the waxed tile floor. His facial expression twisted into that of pure, unfiltered rage.
I stepped back and laughed nervously, biting my lower lip and unclicking my staff to the two batons daggers. "Gee," I muttered, grabbing my shoulder. "Was it something I said?" I asked with a small nervous laugh. Hatter, as if it was all planned from the get go, reached into his coat. I watched him rummage around in there  for a long period of time before he went to pull out his hand, a noticeable click rang. My instincts kicked in and I instantly ducked down for cover. Lucky break because as soon as I did, the loud 'bang' of a gun went off and a whistling sound went right over my head.
When I looked back at Jervis, he had a old and rusted Colt Python revolver in his shaking hand. I stood up. "What the hell, Hatter?" I exclaimed as he pulled back the hammer. “It’s time to go to sleep.” he chuckled before pulling out one more thing that looked to be a tear gas can with the suits of cards symbols all around the canister. He smirked and then pulled the pin out with his teeth and tossing it across the room to where I stood. A thick blue gas then spewed all out of it, causing myself to choke and cough as all the oxygen lost from my lungs. Poison “I am so sorry I had to cut this all short, but I have a small tea party I do not want to miss!” he said as he put his gun away and picked up the other that was on the floor. He picked up as much of the bags of money as he could before beginning to walk out with his walking stick spinning with his motion.
I coughed again, covering my mouth to prevent any more gas from invading my lungs. The smoke began to clear as I brust through the doors to escape the toxic blue cloud. Looking around, I called Nightwing for help, continuing to gag on the poison gas, the area around me turning a blinding blue. "Mother of--"  I coughed again, falling to my knees and covering my mouth to prevent any more gas from invading my lungs. The smoke began to clear as I burst through the doors to escape the toxic cloud. Looking around, I called Nightwing.  "...Nightwing?" I stuttered under my breath as the static of my earpiece rang in. “Hey, I’m here. What’s up?” he asked, clearing his throat. “I need help… Hatter got away.” I paused and groaned in frustration. “I was so close to getting him!”. Nightwing sighed then got to typing, talking to someone else in the background. “Alright then, I’m on my way. Just stay put for now.”

Sighing, I let my head rest against the wall as I slid down into sitting, feeling defeated. "Im by the side of the main entrance,.and please, bring water." I let my head slip downwards, holding my head lazily in my hands, my knees acting like arm rests for my elbows. "Maybe some chips? Chips would be great right about now, like the salt and vinegar ones? Yeah, those ones..." I rambled. Nightwing sighed from the other end. "Yeah, sure. I'll pick up some tissues while I'm at it?" He taunted as a means to cheer me up. “Sure, please just hurry up. I don’t want to be out here any longer.” Nighwing sighed once more, being heard rummaging around in some drawers. “Hey Dick?” I asked once more to him. “Yes? He asked back a moment after. “Thank you.”

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