Actor: Kang Minjae

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Name: Kang Minjae

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Name: Kang Minjae

Age: 25

Date of Birth: 23rd November 1993

Height: 182cm

Weight: 63kg

Birthplace: Ilsan, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Nationality: Korean

Ethnicity: Korean


- Sentimental; he loves spending time with his friends and family because he doesn't know when he won't be able to.

- Caring; he looks after his friends and makes sure they are always happy.

- Funny; he is a massive jokester and he always says that if he wasn't an idol then he would be a standup comedian.

- Kind-hearted; he is always willing to do everything he can to make the people around him happy.

- Hard-working; he constantly puts in time and effort learning lines practising facial expressions and more to perfect his performance.


Minjae was born in Ilsan but moved to Seoul when he was 3 years old. He went to a performing arts high school where he joined the drama club. He participated in plays such as Grease (he played Ken) and Romeo and Juliet (he played Romeo). His parents always were supportive of him becoming an actor, especially his mum. His mum was his number one fan. His drama teacher encouraged him to try out for a company when he is ready because he had good potential. When he got into university, he was an acting major and an art major. During his second year, his mother, unfortunately, passed away due to liver failure. He went through a year of mourning until his dad encouraged him to get back into his acting to distract him. His university teacher found out about an audition in a company nearby and encouraged him to do it.


Mum | Kang Mirae | (deceased)

Dad | Kang Minho | 57


- Cycling

- Drawing

- Boxing


- Biting his lip

- Furrowing his eyebrows


- Rain

- Hats & Bandanas

- Fruit

- Grass

- Museums


- Spiders

- Pastry foods

- Being in a dirty environment

- When it is too hot

- Being late


- Minjae can speak conversational English and Spanish

- He auditioned for the company when his drama teacher found out about the audition and encouraged him to do it.

- He has arachnophobia

- He hates it when people are too loud around him

- His favourite colour is purple

- He has a very low alcohol tolerance and could be drunk after just 2 glasses of alcohol.

- He has a very low alcohol tolerance and could be drunk after just 2 glasses of alcohol

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Stage Name: Minjae

Face Claim: Park Bogum

Speciality: Crying on cue, kiss scenes, learning lines quickly, fight scenes

Instruments: Drums and Guitar

Talent Rank:

Singing: 82/100

Dancing: 75/100

Rapping: 30/100

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