Genesis: Lisa Emily Park // Park Mikyong

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- lisa emily park || mi-kyong park

- ying yue park || tsuki park


- 18

Date of Birth :

- march 10 , 2001


- 164 cm (5'5″)


- 46 kg (101 lbs)

Birthplace :

- paris , france


- kyōtanabe , kyoto , japan


- french


- chinese-japanese-korean


- lisa is one of the pretty girls and she knows it but she is still super down to earth. she loves sitting in her room and just reading a book while the time flies by. she loves having a simple life that just requires her to be herself and not to live for anyone else. she can have a temper but most of the time it's just her being calm and quiet as she observes the world around her. lisa tends to be quiet around new people and will just watch them before she starts talking, she feels like if she observes someone it helps her feel more confident when starting a conversation with that person. she is also the definition of aesthetic, she lives for pastel colors and that is mostly what her closet is made of ! she loves giving someone a makeover or even just the slightest amount of fashion advice. she can be a really caring person especially to children , she loves children and if she could , she would have a child but she knows that she needs to wait until after her career takes off.


- lisa was born in paris to a japanese mother and a chinese-korean father , as well as an older sister and an older twin brother by 5 minutes. lisa was always a very nice and quiet child , not really having a bunch of friends but she was okay with that, especially since her family moved every 5 to 6 years due to her dad being apart of the military. she quickly found a love for books because she knew that books would never change even when she moved , they would always be there for her so she spent a lot of time reading. lisa loved reading but she loved fashion even more , she loved all the possibilities that came from outfits and all the mixing and matching one could do with so many outfits, however she knew that she could never fully achieve that because her parents had planned her future already and that was to be a doctor. lisa was not opposed to the idea because she would love to be a pediatrician, she knew that working with kids would not be as bad as working with adults. one weekend lisa got dragged to a concert with her older sister , lisa was not the type of person to be out on a saturday night but she promised her sister, so she didn't really mind this time. the concert was for galaxy and lisa immediately fell in love with the company and all the artists. after that concert all she could think about her true dream in life and that was to become a singer, so she immediately looked into how to audition. sadly her parents weren't to happy about the choice but they knew that if this is what made lisa happy that it is her choice. so after about a month lisa went to korea to audition for galaxy entertainment.


- mina ito-park || lea ito-park || mother

- han shao wung-park || namjoon park || father

- mimi park || minseo park || sister

- nathan park || namjun park || brother


- giving people makeovers

- creating new outfits

- reading all day and night

- learning new deserts to cook

- jamming out to galaxy artist

- playing soccer


- saying whatever without thinking

- being a little to observant

- making a pouty face

- making noises while reading

- blinking really fast


- pastel colors

- anything that could be aesthetic

- gummy bears

- the color yellow

- skirts


- the color brown

- stinky places

- bugs that can fly

- shrimp

- anything scary


- lisa can speak 7 different languages , english, japanese, mandarin, cantonese, korean, french, spanish, portuguese

- lisa is known to be a soft person and is known for her down to earth appearance

- lisa has four names each one represents the cultures she was raised on

- lisa was born with light brown hair but dyed it blonde when she was 15

- lisa is the youngest child of 3 and is really close to her twin brother , nathan

- lisa wanted to originally become a doctor and help people but she felt music was more of her calling

- lisa loves wearing colored contacts, she believes they make her eyes stand out

- lisa lived in paris for 6 years, then she moved to the u.s. , new orleans, for 5 , then japan for 7

- lisa is a big fan of galaxy and she is inspired by a lot of the artists

- lisa is a big fan of galaxy and she is inspired by a lot of the artists

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Stage Name:

- Lisa

Face Claim:

- semi , cignature


- vocal / rap


- trumpet / violin

Talent Rank:


- 80 / 100


- 75 / 100


- 80 / 100 

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