Before school

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My alarm clock was very loud and it woke me up. I was kinda cranky when I woke up because I was having a really good dream and I got interrupted out of it. It was fine though, it would never really happen to me.

I have been having dreams about sonic lately, and me and him playing video games and talking together. Once, I had a lucid dream, and I'll admit... It was a bit dirty and I may have kinda liked it...

Anyway, I started putting on my clothes and making sure i had everything I needed before I went to school. I looked at my wristwatch and I saw that it was 7:28 AM.

I had an hour left until school actually started because my school starts at 8:30.
I decided that I would play on my Xbox 360 and play some sonic unleashed. I was still kinda at the beginning because I just started yesterday.

I loved this game. but what I really wanted was a Nintendo switch so I could play Sonic mania Or team sonic racing. those were the only games I don't have yet. I even have sonic Eraser, man. I love that game.

Usually, in my freetime, I would just go on youtube and watch Sonic Boom. that show is great, and I laugh to every episode I watch. a lot of people don't like the way knuckles look. Personally, I love it, and I think his personality change is hilarious. If modern knuckles were real, and I told him that, I would be at the hospital right now.

Anyway, it was time for me to leave so I saved my game, turned off the TV, And left.

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