Reality? or not?

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I put the cd inside of my PlayStation and it started to load the game. I was feeling a mix of fear, confusion, and happiness. all of this was happening too fast, but I could kinda handle it. A message that appeared on my screen; "Before gameplay, Please note that this game is a reality and you need to make smart choices." I was really confused by what that meant, so I pressed the start button.

it took a while for it to load then another message appeared. "Thank you for allowing me to join your universe". I was really confused by what that meant. then, my PlayStation turned off and the disc tray opened. I grabbed the cd out and put it back in its cover. this was all strange and confusing. I just sat on my phone and started playing Tetris. then I heard people outside fighting. "Prepare to be obliterated by my newest invention!" said a man that sounded like we were on drugs. "Oh really? Bet ya couldn't even think about a name for it" another male voice said.

I looked outside to see what all the noise was about. I saw a fat man who looked as he could barely walk in a flying ship thingy? and a blue hedgehog running away from him. yeah, I'm definitely dreaming now. I went outside and yelled "STOP ALL THE NOISE," I said. they both looked at me. the fat one looked at me with an evil smirk. the blue one looted kinda worried and also confused. "sorry about that, but eggface here is being annoying" he said "me? annoying? that's a lie!" the fat one said.

"Hey, Eggman, I'm kinda confused here so can you shoot me with a laser please?" I said to Eggman. Sonic had a surprised look on his face. "Wait... HUH?!" he said. "Ooh, gladly!" Eggman said pressing a button with the laser coming my way. sonic was running towards me to push me out the way and we both fell, and nobody was hurt.

"Why did you ask this crazy man to something like that?" he asked me. "because I wanted to see if I was gonna wake up or not," I said to him. "but you're already woke," he said. I could tell he was confused. "no I'm not if a was woke I wouldn't be talking to you because you don't exist, and neither does fat bozo over there" I explained.

"But you have to realize that this is a reality, anything could happen, even talking blue hedgehogs," he said to me. I started to think about this more. "Soooonnniiicc" I heard a voice yell out calling sonic's name. "Tails?" me and sonic said at the same time. then, a saw a yellow two-tailed fox running sonics way. he then caught up with him and gave him a big hug. "I was looking all over the place for you sonic! after we got transported to this world, we got separated, but the others are still on Mobius,"  he explained to sonic.

"so, where are we tails?" Sonic asked Tails. "We seem to be on earth, but I don't quite know how we got here," he said. "Wait," Sonic said looking at me. "Did you put a CD in your PlayStation by any chance?" he asked me "Yeah, why?" I asked. "That's the whole reason why we're here," he said

The Border Between Two - A sonic X !HumanReader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now