5 Years Old (rewrite)

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Im all alone, everyone either pitys me or hates me, Im tired of this, I feel like Im not considered human because I dont have a superpower like them, just because I cant do anything special doesnt make me less of a human like them, I dont even do anything bad! Yet when I try to talk to others, the topic of quirks always come out, Im sick of it!

Im just so tired of this

I found a baby 5 months ago

It was a boy, he was adorable he had white and chromatic eyes of purple with a shade of yellow left eye while the right eye was a full purple he was about just a few hours born, I tried to tell the caretakers but they didnt want him, bet they didnt want another one to take care off so they can get easy money since they have to take care of a few kids, so Im taking care of him now, of course I can't let him drink dirty water and eat less, it would be bad for his health, so I made a deal with the so-called caretakers, they will feed and give me all the things the baby will need but I have to do all the chores untill I break off the deal, I still get stale bread but it's fine, atleast the baby is fine, I'll do what they want but while Im at it I might as well try and find a job.

Its been a week since I started and I'm already so very tired, but its fine as long as lumine is getting healthier, I named him lumine, because he always seemed to light up when he smiles, I have to take care of him better, I managed to take some small jobs though from nice people, I don't tell them why because if I tell them it's for a baby, they would have two reactions, one is they'd be proud of me and the second is that they might think I'm saying it to make them pity me and give me more money, it happened on a few people but I learned to just tell them that its for a project at school.

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