8 Years Old (rewrite)

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Lumine has been more curious than before he'd ask me questions that I wished he didn't asked, like where did babies come from, I knew how they were really made from a prank one of the older boys in the orphanage played on me... I still shiver from the memories.

Also I talked about it with ashiya san about making a bakery since turns out she worked as a part timer on a bakery on her old days, and ever since aiko san had her child, a boy name saitou akihira, they needed more people in the apartments so that they can support it more

But theres been one thing thats bothering me

It's that it feels like I'm in constant guard, I don't know why but I always seemes... Tense for some reason, it feels like theres danger near, I don't know why but my instincts tell me that I'm in danger, that someone is there, waiting for me to put down my guard so they could attack, I need to start training, I need to be more careful and to be able to protect lumine.



.............. You should thank me for giving you this gift, Izuku.

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