Chapter One:

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Monday 11:00 PM
I come out of the bathroom and there he is. Simon Snow. I don't know whats gotten to him this time(pretty sure it wasn't me), but his magic is thick and the room is filled with that smoke smell.

He's obviously angry. He could never mask his emotions the way I do. Right now he's kicking the wall, but earlier I know he was throwing things because the room is a mess. He even managed to get my side of the room dirty without actually touching any of my things.

"Hey, Snow. Calm down will ya'. Wouldn't want the chosen one to go off now would we." I sneer at him.

"Oh fuck you, Baz." He glares at me. Usually this means that I've won, but he didn't even try putting up a fight. The smoke smell gets stronger.

"What's wrong, things didn't go you're way like their supposed to?

"No! I mean yes, no, I dont know!" He manages out. He starts pulling at his hair in frustration. He lets out a heavy sigh and looks at me. Our eyes lock. My heart flutters. I know we're supposed to be enemies but I can't help it. I'm hopelessly in love with him.

I glare at him while praying to every god I can think of that he can't see through me(he's pretty thick, so he probably can't). He casts his eyes down and mutters something I can't hear even with my vampire hearing.

"You're gonna have to speak up Snow." He repeats what he said a little louder and I'm able to catch one word. Agatha. My heart sinks. "Still can't hear you." I spit. I know I shouldn't be, but I'm angry. Angry at her for not wanting him the way I want him, and mad at him for making me suffer more than I already do. It's torture being his roomate knowing I can never have him.

"Agatha broke up with me!" He screams. Oh. I feel hope rising in my chest, but I try pushing it down. Hope is a very dangerous thing.

"Any louder? I'm pretty sure the entire building hasn't heard you yet." He gives me a hurt look and I feel terrible.

"I'm sorry, its just..." He trails off.

"Just what Snow?"

"It's just I thought we had something you know(I don't). I though she loved me but she said that we didn't belong together. That..that she wasn't happy and she wanted to be normal. She doesn't want to be the prize I win after defeating the Humdrum. I can't believe that's how she thinks I see her. As a prize." He's tearing up.

It's all I can do to not run to him and hold him in my arms.

Instead I stand there. Looking at him. Unsure what to say.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask. He looks up at me in shock.


"What's wrong with you?" I ask way slower than I should have.

"What do you mean?" He sniffles.

"I mean so she doesn't like you. Get over it." I have no idea what's coming out of my mouth. "You just find someone else who actaully cares about you." I shouldn't be saying this when I myself can't do it. "If she doesn't see you the way you see her then maybe she isn't worth it." Crowley I really need to stop talking.

"If she doesn't see you the way you see her then maybe she isn't worth it."

I cant accept this. I know he's right, but still.

"You just don't get it Baz." I feel a wave of anger wash over me.

"Then please, do explain Snow." He sneers at me.

"Have you ever been in love?"

I think I hear him suck in a breath but I can't tell if it really happened or not because of how quiet it was.

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