Chapter Two:

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Tuesday First day of the bet
5:00 AM
I wake up before Baz does.

This is normal, but today it's especially important because it's the first day of our bet.

Falling asleep last night I started to think about the things I could do to get him to fall for me and during breakfast I get to carry out one of my plans.

I get out of bed and I try to be as quiet as possible. Usually I don't care but maybe Baz will appreciate it.

I turn to look at him. He's shaking. Then I realize the window's open. He must be freezing.

I make my way over to it and slowly close it.

I turn back to him and he's still shaking but not as much.

I grab the blankets off my bed and put them over him.

He hums in contentment.

I smile softly and continue getting ready.

I hope he enjoys my little surprise during breakfast.

6:00 AM

I wake up feeling warm.

I can aslo smell Snow's scent. Like smoke and cherries.

At first, I'm confused.

I only have the three thin blankets the school provides for us and Snow kept the window open all night.

When I've woken up completely I realize why I feel so warm and why his scent is stronger.

Snow closed the window.

And gave me his blankets.


Initially I feel giddy at the thought of him doing this for me. But then I remember why he's doing it and it doesn't feel as good.

But still. He saw how cold I was and tried to help me.

I allow myself a small smile seeing as Snow is already gone(probably at breakfast. He wakes up at some ungodly hour to make sure he's at the cafeteria as soon as breakfast starts).

I reluctantly leave the coziness of my bed and get ready.

It's crazy what that boy will do for food.

It's the things like that, that make me wonder why I love him the way I do.

But then I think of all the reasons that make me wonder how one couldn't love him.

He's literally the sun. He's so full of life and he's so brave. He always tries to do the best he can even in the worst of situations. He's kind and thoughtful. He's smart, even if it doesn't show. He's even friendly with everyone even when he's exhausted(I've noticed how tired he truly is). He's perfect.

And then there's his eyes. They're a plain blue, but they're so, so blue that you just can't look away. It's one of my favorite features about him.

He's a hero, and he deserves the world.

Which reminds me what I am.

A villain.

If Snow's the sun, then I'm the moon.
We couldn't be more different.

I'm cool and collected. Always sneering at people if they come too close. I'm not friendly with anyone. I don't even call Dev and Niall my friends even though that's what they are.

I'm a monster. A vampire. I need to take other creatures' lives for me myself to live.

I'm dark where Simon is the light.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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